FULL FORMAL “RULES” OF MMM 1. HOW TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE AND HOW TO GET HELP? First of all register! The first reason is to enter the Virtual account. And then the other things. :-)) How to register? There is the button in the top REGISTRATION.. :-)) Push and fill up the form and proceed! :-)) If you didn’t register still and only read all the instructions (we don’t understand what you are waiting for!!! :-)) you may look at the demonstration page of the cabinet (DEMO VA) how it looks like. What the “desktop” is and so on. To make you more informed. :-)) A) How to provide assistance? You push on the desktop a button “Want to provide help” and point how much money you want to bring and where: the usual deposit, or another. You will get the orders in your VA and you will have to execute them in 72 hours: transfer money to other participants. If you will not – you’ll be blocked. That is it Just technically, MAVRO will be charged to you at the same time, when you will make a request. (And percentage will begin to flow also). But at first they will be under the status “not confirmed”. They will be confirmed only when all the participants will confirm the delivery of money. The term of the order execution (72 hours), it can be changed. Here are the details. B) How to GET HELP? You put in your cabinets the right #DBA901 button (a big one also :-)) Want to GET HELP and point how much money you want to withdraw. The Dispatch (the program :-)) will take participants for you during half an hour and they will transfer the money to you. If they will not – the Dispatch will provide other one. And it will continue until you get the requested sum. (Usually it finishes very quickly. There are to less of the deniers, because we block it :-)) 2. DEPOSIT TYPES. We have regular “deposits” : 1) 50% per month and 2) special 50% for the first deposit – the first deposit may be 50%! :-)) ATTENTION! Percent charges two time a week, not every day, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 00:00 GTM (4:00 in Moscow) A) Regular – you can withdraw at any moment and with current growth of mavro. B) Deposits – only on the end of the deposit term. (3 Month – after 3 month and so on.) Generally speaking you can withdraw them before the appointed time, but you’ll receive only the deposit itself without any percentage. 3. BONUSES A) Registration bonus You will be awarded with a 20% mavro of provided help as a registration bonus after registration. But not for everyone, only if participant have invested his own money. (Otherwise the System will be plundered; everyone will start to register infinitely) 30% - participant have invested Will be frozen for 1 month. If you will withdraw your money earlier, you will lose 20%. One more time about frozen bonus. It means that if you withdraw your money before the end of the term-time, you’ll lose your bonus. And your deposit will be paid, no doubt. B) Referral bonus You will get referral bonus for each new system member (referral), with 20% from his every providing assistance. (Only when the referral will confirm in his Account, that it was you, who lead him to the system)) You’ll get money only on the new deposits. (One more thing referral bonus 20% withdraw after 30 days from participants date of joining) C) Manager bonus Leader multilevel system bonuses. Form your own structures! Invite there thousands and millions of participants! And get bonuses FROM ALL THEM!!! From all of them! From the whole structure. We appreciate it. J) And how to bring all the structure to the MMM, read (It is for network markets first of all, MLM structures) 10 manager -10% (Condition – you get 10% manager bonus as a ‘leader bonus’ in mavro page only after 10 direct)* 100 Manager - 5% (Condition – you get 5% manager bonus as a ‘leader bonus’ inmavro page only after 10 direct + 90 participant that means total team is 100)* 1k Manager - 1% (Condition – you get 1% manager bonus as a ‘leader bonus’ inmavro page only after 10 direct + 990 participant that means total team is 1000)* 10kManager - 0.25% (Condition – you get 1% manager bonus as a ‘leader bonus’ in mavro page only after 10 direct + 9990 participant that means total team is 10000)* E) For a video in a letter of happiness Every participant after getting help, have to send a letter of happiness to the office MUTUAL AID. (System needs positive way! :-)) If there will be a video in the letter, so you’ll get a bonus (None have sent it before without a bonus, unfortunately! :-)) 1) 5% from the sum that you’d got as requested help, if we can see and hear you in the video :-)) 2) 3% If you are not. Bonus will be frozen for a month. If you delete a video, the bonus will burn out. For the referral and leader bonus restructure we also give bonuses 10% if you are in the video, 8% if we can’t see you. Here are details. 4. AMOUNT AND TIME RESTRICTIONS. A) Amount restrictions No withdrawal amount restrictions! Money investment is 10000$. It means that you can’t invest more than 10 000 of dollar. (Large sum investors are too nervous usually and exposed panic easily... Nothing for! Less is more. Or how it says…? “Yes more”? As V.I. Lenin had said. J)) And if they grow up to one million - for Gods sake, remove all at once! :-)) The minimal sum for enter is 500 Inr B) Time restrictions No time limits! Withdraw money at least the next day. Well, or keep them as long as you prefer. 5. FAKE ID DEDUCTION. Fake id deduction is 40% of Participant’s provided help. If any participant not re-commitment then he will be not able to withdrawal referral and level income. We can do a lott. With genuinely…. 6. Storage Fund Storage fund of 80% rewarded every participant from his confirmed commitment, after complete commitment. Long live Indian MMM……..Long Live Indian MMM………..Long Live Indian MMM
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 00:13:25 +0000

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