FULL REPORT ON GOLIATI VIOLENCE SUBMITTED TO JOYCE BANDA FROM THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE Your Excellency, I have the honour to submit a summary of the report submitted by my operational officers on the events leading to the fracas, public disorder and eventual deaths of a police officer Supt Julius and a civilian Aaron Sawerengera on Sunday 16th March, 2014 at Goliati Trading Centre in Thyolo. The Commissioner of Police for the Southern Region, Mr. Wilson Matinga indicates that preparations for the operation commenced immediately after the site meeting on 11th of March, 2014. On 16th March, 2014 at about 0720 hrs he received information that a Mr. Elias Khumbanyiwa a businessman at Nguludi turnoff had been assaulted by men who a-lightened from a pick up vehicle believed to belong to Peoples Party. He then phoned the Provincial Governor Mr. Isaac Nyakamera to inform him on the developments, this was at around 0956 am. There was another incident at Nansadi where a confrontation between Peoples Party supporters and Democratic Progressive Party members over the flags. He indicates that the fracas was contained by the police and the assessment by the officers on the ground was that the situation was under control. He further indicates that at function some people who were across the road from the function, DPP supporters started making noise. This did not go well with PP supporters who then wanted to confront their rivals. The police were able to restrain them but some managed to cross to the other side of the road and the DPP supporters started throwing stones. Order was restored until the end of the function. Towards the end of the function the situation deteriorated with supporters from both sides throwing stones. When the Head of State left, police officers continued to quell the situation for the next three hours. He further indicates that when he arrived home at around 1800 hrs he got a phone call from S/Supt Chisoti that he was under attack and needed to be rescued. He immediately phoned SACP Chingaipe, Officer In-Charge Police Mobile Service who went back and rescued S/Supt Chisoti who had sustained a big cut on the head. They then found Supt Julius in an unconscious state as he was hacked by an angry mob. They also found the body of Aaron Sawerengera who had died of a gunshot wound. The report by SACP Chalera Officer In-Charge Thyolo Police Station will state that on 11th March, 2014 he attended a site meeting at Goliati Trading Centre. He indicates that during the meeting Mr. Nyakamera the Provincial Governor of Peoples Party for the Southern Region indicated that they were ready for anything and that they will take bouncers from Blantyre to the dismay of the officials at the meeting. He then issued an operation order in which he indicated that the threat level was medium as there was coexistence between members of the two parties in the region. Basing on previous operations in the area they planned to deploy officers at three hotspots; Kalimbuka, Chipendo and Mangunda apart from the presidential venues. He further indicates that two community meetings on 13th March, 2014 and 15th March, 2014 were held at Goliati at his instructions. The meetings were aimed at enhancing security on the day of operation. Amongst those present was DPP Governor for the constituency Mr. Felix Mahikiri who assured the meeting that they had warned their members against any violent acts through a series of meetings they had conducted. He also indicates that on Friday 14th March, 2014 he met the Peoples Party District Governor Mr. Sikoti and two other officials and talked about the need for peace and co-existence. On Saturday 15th March, 2014 at around 1600 hrs he went to Goliati where the podium was being erected. Whilst there Mr. Salle, former DCP who was coming from the church close by came to greet them. He then asked him about a rumor that Professor Peter Mutharika was going to worship at the church on Sunday. Mr. Salle said he had heard about it and that Peter Mutharika had passed by the church the previous day. He had met the parish priest and pledged to donate iron sheets for the church project. SACP Chalera then phoned the personal assistant to Professor Peter Mutharika who indicated that, that had been planned but had been cancelled. So far they were indications the situation was going to be peaceful. He further indicate that on Sunday the 16th of March, 2014 the day of operations, police officers were deployed at all hotspots in accordance with the operation order. At around 1000 hrs he was called by the Regional Operations Officer SACP Masina who was with other officers, Mr. Lemani Chapitapansi, Rev. Peter Kaleso and Radger Khama all of Peoples Party, Mr. Masina SACP said that he had seen Mr. Lemani Chapitapansi’s vehicle with people who had stopped to remove DPP flags at Mapesi CDSS and this had provoked people to start throwing stones at passing vehicles. Mr. Isaac Nyakamera in response started accusing the police for fomenting the situation and further said would tell the youth morale to take action. SACP Chalera then patrolled the route. At Nansadi they found a white Toyota twin cub whose occupants were removing DPP flags. As a result of this a fight broke between them and DPP supporters who were playing football at Nansadi. The situation calmed down after the twin cub left, he learnt that it belonged to Mr. Peter Tchupa who had carried some PP youth from Blantyre. Later at Chimaliro Health Centre he was asked by Hon. Brown Mpinganjira Minister of Information and Civic Education why the police had not arrested the DPP supporters for the smashing of a vehicle belonging to Peter Tchupa. He indicates that he asked him as to who had provoked the situation. Further he states that he left for the main venue where he met the Inspector General who advised him on the need to deploy more officers on the route back. He indicates that at the venue of the rally during honorable Catherine Gotani Hara’s speech that some youth started reactions leading to ugly scenes and the actions of Mr. Isaac Nyakamera perpetrated the violence at the venue. He further states that he remained at the rally venue together with the Officer In-Charge Police Mobile Service to ensure that everyone was gone. They worked under difficult circumstances as they were kept being stoned. Police Mobile Service officers were dispersing the people using teargas. When the work was complete they decided to leave on a convoy. The SACP Chingaipe checked if everyone was around, he was looking for Officer In-Charge B Company S/Supt Chisoti and was told that he was in the Nyala vehicles. They started off and whilst at Malowa he received a call that S/Supt Chisoti was left behind and was under attack, they returned to Goliati where they found S/Supt Chisoti and the body of Supt Julius in pool of blood and the body of Aaron Sawelengera. After that he proceeded to Thyolo to attend another incident at Number 1 Trading Centre. The Officer In-Charge Police Mobile Service, SACP Chingaipe will state that at around 1200 hrs Peoples Party supporters were removing DPP flags at Mikolongwe. That there was a football match at a certain ground and he saw Mr. Peter Tchupa and his team removing DPP flags, this caused a commotion but the police intervened and cooled the situation. He further States that at the rally during Honorable Catherine Gotani Hara’s speech they were murmurings from some people who then ran off. This group went to the market area from where they started throwing stones. He indicates that the police managed to control the situation. However as the President was leaving DPP supporters were throwing stones at the convoy. He further indicates that stayed back to protect those who were pulling down the podium. At about 0610 PM. They left the venue having checked about S/Supt F. Chisoti who he was told was in the Puma vehicle. At Chimvu river he received information from the Commissioner that S/Supt Chisoti has been left behind and was under attack. They went back, rescued him and took the body of injured Supt Julius who was unconscious together with that a dead civilian. He states that throughout they used teargas to disperse the crowd, no live ammunition other than one that was used. The deceased officer normally carried a rifle for self defense. He also states that 150 Mobile officers were deployed for the operation /50 at the venue. The officer carried riot guns. The Officer In-charge B Company S/Supt Chisoti will state that the Presidential rally commenced peacefully at 1400hrs until during the speech of Honorable Gotani Hara that some people in the crowd stood up at once and run off while booing. Then they started throwing stones. He deployed officers to disperse the crowd but to no avail. He remained when the President left giving security to those who were dismantling the platform. He indicates that when the vehicles left, he together with other four officers were left behind, because they had been busy dispersing the crowd behind classrooms. The crowd was stonning them and he instructed the officers that they should keep together but when they got in the garden they separated. He was trapped and could hardly see whereabouts of the other officers he was also heavily bleeding. He took cover in one of the houses which was damaged by the crowd who were pleting stones and shouting kill him without delay. He also states that the operation was well planned and effectively resourced, if it was not for being left behind , the untimely demise of Supt Julius would not have occurred. The Regional Operations Officer II, ACP Muguntha will indicate that upon arrival at Goliati Trading Centre they met Mr. Isaac Nyakamera and Lemani both of Peoples Party and briefed them on the need to control their youths not to start violence against DPP as it was rumored that there could be some crashes. Both agreed to control their youths. At 1100 hrs two supporters of Peoples Party tore apart a DPP flag that was about 200 metres from the venue. This angered DPP supporters who came to revenge. The police arrested Sydney Hauya and Landirani Phiri for Conduct Likely to Cause a Breach of peace and the situation was controlled. At 1200 hrs he was told by Mr. Peter Chupa that he had been assaulted at Nansadi Filling Station. That Mr. Chupa had eight people who went back and started beating anybody they came across at the scene whilst uprooting DPP flags and ran away. DPP supporters were angry and wanted to revenge the police calmed the situation. Between 1430-1600 hrs some people at Goliati started singing DPP songs angering PP supporters in the process. Then stone throwing started while the rally was in progress. Police intervened three people were injured. Police used teargas up until the rally was finished. After the rally police kept chasing chanted DPP supporters to allow for the dismantling of the podium, he left the place at 1700 hrs. Your Excellency, this summary provides the general outline of how things occurred at Goliati. The team of investigators is now in the field fully, they have received information that can lead to us making some arrest. We are doing all we can for speedy progress. I will keep your Excellency updated.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:01:51 +0000

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