FULL SPOILERS AHEAD. READ WITH CAUTION. Now, I am the first to - TopicsExpress


FULL SPOILERS AHEAD. READ WITH CAUTION. Now, I am the first to admit that I did not watch How I Met Your Mother from the very beginning. I waited until there were a substantial amount of episodes on Netflix & started from there. From episode one, I was hooked. It was a show that was able to connect with its audience, albeit sometimes it got a little too corny, but still tackled relevant issues that most of us could associate with. From the very beginning, weve followed Ted Mosby on his journey that we believed ended in him meeting the mother. Which it did, for a few seconds. This entire season has been centered around Barney & Robins wedding. Literally, 22 episodes that take place over a weekend. The final episode, which was a two parter, catches us up on the last twenty years of the groups lives. What happens in that time? Robin & Barney get divorced. We sat through an entire season (that was mostly disappointing) that finally culminated in a wedding, only for it to fall apart. Barney set up this elaborate proposal for Robin, & they dont end up together. Barney reverts back to his old, womanizing self. & finally succumbs to the inevitable, he gets a woman pregnant. Do we get to see who? Absolutely not. Apparently thats not important. Marshall & Lillys story wrapped up just fine. Marshall becomes a judge & then ends up on the supreme court. Lilly gets pregnant with baby number three. Totally fine with that. But here comes the real kick in the stomach. We learn the mothers name, Tracy. We get to see a little bit of her & Teds courtship. We find out that she gets pregnant & that theyve been engaged for some time. It was nice to see that once Ted found Tracy, marriage wasnt as important. Tracy was the one that was worth waiting for. She was absolutely perfect for Ted. So what happens? We get a 5 minute montage of her life with Ted & her death. We dont know how she got sick, we dont get to see their final moments together, we dont even get to hear her speak towards the end. What happens? The children reveal that this ENTIRE show, has been a complete lie. That Ted has used this story to tell the kids that hes still in love with Aunt Robin. It is a complete slap in the face to anyone that has invested in this show. To give us an ending that wasnt even about the mother. It was about Ted & Robin ending up together. Destroying years of character development in just a few short seconds. Making the mother a complete afterthought in the closing moments of the show. It was a complete waste of a season & pretty much makes the entire series a big middle finger to its loyal fan base. A fan base that stood by it when people said that it should have ended years ago. & now those critics are correct. So from a personal standpoint, I would like to thank Craig Thomas & Carter Bays for completing ruining one of my favorite shows of all time with this disrespectful finale. You strung us along only to give us what no one wanted. Ted & Robin. 1 out of 5 stars. I would like to hear your thoughts on the finale if you watched it. Now remember, this is MY opinion. Dont come troll on this post if youre just going to call me dumb or stupid. Constructive criticism only guys. Lets debate! #HowIMetYourMother #HIMYMFinale
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 17:57:38 +0000

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