FUNDINGS FOR PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS Fellow ZAMBIANS, I wish to touch on the issue of Presidential campaigns and the source of funds for the same. 2011 saw an unprecedented level of spending by the so called Big 3 Parties. We have never seen the likes of the extravagance! Well fellow country men and women - it is about to begin. The question we need to ask ourselves is WHY? Why should people be willing to go to such great lengths to get into power? Let us go behind the scenes and examine what is behind all that. The immediate behind the scenes (but shallow waters) is the lust for fame, power and money. This is part of the fight that you are seeing in PF. Some of these chaps do not even BEGIN to understand what this all about. These as the chancers and have no hope of getting into Plot 1 because they do not have anybodys backing. Not even all of BGMs money times 10 will get him the Presidency. Which brings me to the real or deep Behind the Scene. This is the spiritual aspect of what this is really all about. We are part of the World System - the Babylonian System. The worlds finances are controlled by few individuals. These individuals form part of the illuminati and use different arms of their net work to ensure that they place their people in positions of influence. This network includes the masons (the name is popping up again). Zambias (and South Africa and Zimbabwe) economy were built on a Masonic foundation - which is why God had to destroy that foundation as He wants to build our economy on His foundation. Each time we have elections, it is not the faces of the people you see that we are voting for, it is the powers BEHIND those faces that we are voting for. Some candidates get money from the Gay Lobby Group, others from Muslims, others from Masons/illuminati and yet others from Business houses who then get favors from the Government afterwards. Whatever the source of the funding determines the agenda for the country. He who pays the piper calls the tunes. These favors disadvantage the Zambian people. These could include not paying taxes for a number of years, not being prosecuted, being protected (remember the Finance Bank issue), which is why the Cartel is fighting so hard to ensure that a user friendly person is put in State House as this person will ensure that these people will not have to pay back what they owe the Zambian people. What I am writing here is VERY REAL countrymen. These presidential candidates sell the soul of our country to satisfy their selfish egos. There is an epic battle for the soul of our nation Zambia. We need to understand that there are 2 sides to this fight for our country. Those that I have described above and those who allow our God to be their backing. These are NOT allowed to agree to get funding from the world system. They look stupid, they look foolish BUT God says He takes the foolish things of this World to confound the wise. I would like to urge all ZAMBIANS at this time, DO NOT BE DAZZLED BY CROWDS - we were dazzled last time and we followed what seemed like the answer but was in fact an illusion. Let us examine what is behind the scenes. Bible says is anyone lacking wisdom? Let him ask the Lord who is able to give abundantly and without reproach So you ask then can we find an election? Again, if one of the richest families in South Africa is paying for the campaign for this candidate who shall remain nameless (let those with wisdom discern who this person is) - then IF this person (and God forbid that he should ever get into our State House) is elected, then it is the wealthy South African family and their cronies that will call the shots in Zambia. Tulebwelela inuma! We are going backwards because we shall go back to the Masonic foundation, then God will have to break it all down again in future. If ZAMBIANS want to own this country and continue to progress, WE must fund our own campaign. IT IS VERY POSSIBLE. If we identify a candidate we know is good, credible, has integrity, God fearing and has all the qualities we need to have in a leader (uwachindama - has gravitas), let us support him. Even if he does not have money, let us fund him, let us also help him by passing the message on. 10 of us putting in K1 000 means we have put in K10 000. It can be done!!!! Let us operate outside of the box. Then NOONE will and can hold us to ransom. Let us not vote for these cowboys who come to act as conduits for the enemies of what we as ZAMBIANS stand for. CHISHALA KATEKA A proud Zambian
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 16:45:27 +0000

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