FYI Men, treat your woman like your queen with love, respect, - TopicsExpress


FYI Men, treat your woman like your queen with love, respect, faithfulness, gratitude, self worth, trust, plenty of thoughtful BIG & small gifts, and love notes, and she will make you feel like her king and she will for fill your desires youve always dreamed of. Some of you have great moms and some of you dont! Some of you have great daughters and some of you dont! Lets keep it real fellas, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself What part did you play in your relationship? No matter whos fault it was! Stop trying to change, and control your woman! Only you can change you! You know who Im talking to. Im talking from experience. Ive been thru hell and Jesus Christ only brought me back thru his unconditional love, mercy and grace! FYI Ladies, 1st of all , show your man that youre more valuable than any woman that hes EVER known! By carring yourself with dignity, know your worth, you are priceless. Once you realize that so will he. Rise the bar of self excellence in appearance, in hygene, the same way you got his attention when you met, show him your compassion you have only for him, he should feel like he is the only man in your world! ALWAYS build your man up! He should the head of his castle! EVER disrespect your man! when he say something or does something that upsets you or deeply hurt your feelings, and brlieve me he will even if he didnt mean to, STOP and take 5 deep cleaning breaths, 10 deep cleaning breaths if he did something he knew was wrong but, thought he could get away with it but God revealed his dirty secrets! If youve been true to him and he has NEVER made this specific mistake or deliberate act before. Ask yourself has he proven to you many times that he deserves a 2nd chance? Hoe much do you truly live him? is he worth it? was he ALWAYS THERE for you and your kids? Even the kids that isnt his by blood? If your answer is YES to all those questions, then take him by the hand gentle n sit him down and open your MOUTH tell him ALL YOUR HEART! NO YELLING! NO NAME CALLING! BE THE BIG GET MORE MATURE PERSON! TELL HIM THE GOOD & THE BAD! Remind him with ALL your passion, the reasons why you fell deeply in love with him. And tell him exactly what you expect from him. Then well youre atbit, ask him what he expects from you. Then you both will reunite reunite as one instead of pull further apart. You both with be on the same page with a new commitment! Dont be afraid of losing him! Dont hold back! Because if you do lose him they you really didnt have in the first place! learn to be more quiet more often, and speak to him with your body language, be creative and observe and study your man to truly know exactly what truly turns him on in bed, in his mind, body and soul! Read about real long term successful relationships stories. Get Steve Harveys books think like a man & think like a success. Educate yourself and also just ask your man straight up. He will gladly tell you what his desires are and believe me he really wants to know what your fantasies are too. He will look at you in a new way. He will see you in a deeper more respectful loving passionate way. He will love you more deeply. Remember youre not perfect either! Youve made some mistakes too. YOU MUST FORGIVE HIM AND OR OTHERS, AND YOU MUST FORGIVE YOURSELF! THATS REAL PEACE WITH IN AND THATS REALLY POWER! If you cant do it by yourself then get counseling from someone you know that loves you unconditional to help you through the FORGIVE NESS PROCESS. Like pray to God, talk to your pastor, a true friend that has your best interest at heart, talk to a therapist, or trust worthy family member. LIFE IS TO SHORT, LIVE YOUR LIFE ON PURPOSE! NEVER BE TO PROUD TO HUMBLE YOURSELF! PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND SAY IM SORRY! TO YOUR MAN, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS OR ANYONE YOUVE WRONGED! NO REGRETS! LEAD YOUR DAUGHTERS BY EXAMPLE! AND TEACHER YOUR SON HOW TO TALK TO YOU, LOVE YOU, RESPECT YOU, AND EMPOWER THEM AND BUILD THEM UP! THEN THEY WILL GROW UP TREATING THEIR WOMAN THE WAY YOU TREAT ED THEM!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN SOMEBODY???
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:11:29 +0000

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