FYI-Please, IT is Thursday, November 6, 2014. Just Freely Thinking - TopicsExpress


FYI-Please, IT is Thursday, November 6, 2014. Just Freely Thinking and wonder if folks understand the pronunciation of the word Product both ways in English. This is the British English pronunciation of Product and the is the United States of Americass English pronunciation of the word Product. The spelling is the same in both but yet pronounced different in the English USED. DO You know WHY? Simply put your COMMENT in the Comment Section if you BELIEVE YOU know the WHY? There is hypocrisy in the United States of America, the land of EXCESS as FOLKS are TAUGHT to WANT and BUY, PURCHASE goods and or services that are not necessarily NEEDED but Wanted. How many of you BELIEVE your respective credit card(s) is are money to you? How many of you are LIVING ABOVE your respective Economic Means because you have Credit? Is this simply evidence of the Economic Majority thought of Supply side Economic Theory which ALLOWS for INVENTORY, making goods to provide the Supply as the DEMAND MAY BE TAUGHT as the PRICE IN REALITY is WHATEVER the Market will Bear. Thus, we have Discrimination based upon the money and not on the color of ones skin, actually the amount of melanin one posses. Brilliant STRATEGY in accomplishing the Segregation. The MESSAGE is STILL there are THOSE that YOU SHOULD LOVE ONLY THOSE that are SANCTIONED by the Majority worthy of being LOVED. Interestingly, it is known that the Show must go ON. Is there a CONNECTION as didnt an ACTOR become the President of the United States of America (the 40th) and as a result became the Commander in-chief and was of the Republican Political Ideology? What is this mans name? There was an assassination ATTEMPT on his LIFE and HAPPILY IT was UNSUCCESSFUL. HOWEVER THE GOP, the Republican Political Ideologists REVERE this former President of the United States and as a Result was also the Commander in-chief? Thats IT, Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911-June 5, 2004). Is there a CONNECTION as note the names Ronald and Wilson and that face that he demised on June 5th the same as RIP Stans mother demised as succumb to Colon Cancer June 5, 1995? What DO YOU Freely Think? Is this PERSONAL? Is this SIMPLY TACTIC to TRY and TRIGGER my PTSD? Interesting as STILL CHOOSING to MOVE FORWARD and am AMAZED as HAVE NO MONEY but have NO MONEY ISSUES. Knowledge IS POWER! WHAT DO YOU Freely Think? Understand? CHOICE, Thank You. Dr.US-J&J, Dr.Reid to Most, Jamez to the select and Ja to the select few was and still is the STUDENT (BA, JD, LL.M, DO and candidate for the MBA Degree-as 3 MBA Courses left to complete the MBA Degree Requirement) SPEAKING on behalf of US, Self & Jesus (Honorary Doctor)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 18:13:52 +0000

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