FYI: Significant proportion of the Oromos in Saudi Arabia are - TopicsExpress


FYI: Significant proportion of the Oromos in Saudi Arabia are political refugees even before they got there. Some arrived decades ago running away from Hareilassies despotic rule, others from Mengistus murderous tyranny. But the vast majority went there when the refugee camps in Djibouti, Hargeisa (Somaliland) and Sudan were closed in 1990s due to pressure on the perspective government by Meles Zenawis regime. Thus,they need protection not just from the Saudi mob but also from the Ethiopian regime itself. We are already receiving report that the regimes security are screening and picking up people who have returned. So are the Saudis attacking everyone regardless of nationality? Yes. But the ultimate solution must take into consideration the difference in push factors that forced people to go there at first place. Thus, while Oromo activists have rightly joined others in denouncing the brutality, we cannot afford deceiving ourselves with such episodic outbursts that masks the underlying problem. Our refugee problem requires a sustained and strategically guided effort. By the way I have question for those who keep saying we are all oppressed and there is nothing unique about the Oromo situation. Why do you think prisons and refugee camps are the only statistics where Oromos are disproportionately over represented? Even among the so called migrant workers in the Middle East, the vast majority are Oromo girls and boys from rural areas. Do you want prove, dont take my word for it. Go to airport, jump on any given flight heading or coming back from the Gulf states. Dont you think there is something strange about such disproportionality when it comes to the most severe problems of that country? So next time, ask yourself these questions before pointing your finger at Oromo activists calling them zeregna--racist. Oromos are not racists, in contrast they are victims of and have been fighting against ethno-racism of the past and present rulers.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:10:51 +0000

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