FYI TO ALL MY FELLOW SEAFARERS, YOUR S.I.R.B IN THE FUTURE WILL NO LONGER BE CALLED AS A SEAMANS BOOK. AS MARINA ORDERS, WE WILL BE HOLDING A SEAMANS SHEET INSTEAD. After the COP issuance Procedure that Cause all the Seafarers in Agony, and most of our Fellow Seafarers nowadays are still Struggling with the said new international Policy, with the Flow of dealing with that Piece of Paper in MARINA like battling for a lifetime. up to now, Sadly the Procedure is such a depressing one, considering that we are SEAFARERS, and we deserve to have proper treatment and reforms with regards to the issuance and filing of our COP. and now there is this NEW Policy? a Seafarer will no longer hold a Seamans Book, and it will be replace by a sheets? and the Reason behind that the MARINA Is running out of Seamans Book? is this how we should be treated by our Government? this will surely cause some Problems to our 500,000 Seafarers All over the world. specially when it comes to our Shipping Agencies, Employers and Immigration Abroad. is it really Helpful? is this for our own benefit? when i began to cross my Path as a Seafarer way back 2005. the first important Document ive had in my own hand was the BST and later on the (S.I.R.B) or The Seafarers- Identification Record Book, which is colloquially referred to all over the world as “the Seaman’s Book.”i was so overwhelmed and proud that im already one of the Seafarers, i have my own book. the accomplishments had been so hard knowing that you cant just be happy just glancing at your own identification book, it must be stamped, it should have Designations in the Future, it should have Visas, and Captains Signature with my Position, and the Ships Registry and informations like Gross Tonnage and all in it. eventually i did! counting more years and years to accomplish this Goal, and yes i was able to have my Seamans book Completely Perfect. in fact i got 3 already. its something that i have that others dont. coz im a Seafarer. this is a Noble Career, and well Respected Job in some other Nations and Filipino Seamen are well admired around the World so we Deserve to have a special Identification Book. Does MARINA knows the Consequences of this Another amendment in the future? what else are you Trying to Come Up in the Future? Trainings, Certificates, Licences? what else? i should say that we the Filipino Seafarers are having so Much Hard time in Complying all of this things. and it is so sad Knowing that the Government has no Proper Programs and Reforms that will benefit the Filipino Seafarers around the World. we are Contributing a lot for the Economy, we even help to Uplift the image the Whole Country by Working Excellently thats why Principals from other Countries are having a Great and a High Respect to Filipino Seamen. we are just afraid that this SHEETS in the future would lead to An Avenue of Corruption. i hope that the Proper Guidance among Seafarers should be imply. and if it will happen that these sheets expires in a short period of time that we have to renew and renew this from every disembarkation assuming and given that its true, Please try to be Considerate. this means More Money to whom? and more hardships to whom? MAAWA NAMAN PO KAYO SA MGA SEAMAN, NA KADA BAKASYUN NA LAMANG AY NAUUBOS ANG ORAS SA KAKA COMPLY NG MGA REQUIREMENTS AT DINA MAGKARUON NG ORAS SA KANILANG MGA PAMILYA and please the impression of some other agencies taking advantage of the Seaman when a Seamans Asking for help or a favor which is supposed to be their Job are being done with PAIPIT we are not just working on board the Ships like Picking up Money everywhere.. we are risking our own lives and Sacrifice the Fact that were being away from our Families and Love ones.. to the Government, please think of a LAW That will Protect our rights as a Seafarer, that will improve the benefits and Compensations from our Principal and to have a wide range Program of Upgrading our Knowledge in this Industry na hindi kami na OOVERPRICE, na SINISINGIL NG PAGKALAKI LAKI sa mga training centers na yan. in the Future S.I.R.B Will no longer be called as Seamans Book.. it will then be called as a SEAMANS SHEET!!! same as the SHIT! we are Experiencing right now..
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:56:58 +0000

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