FYI from Alis Read a Damn Book File: Fidel, when he and Che and - TopicsExpress


FYI from Alis Read a Damn Book File: Fidel, when he and Che and Raul overthrew the US backed fascist Fulgencia Batista, initially sought relations with and support from the US government. They obviously noted the value of US investment in Cuba inasmuch as that country was, at that time, Americas playground. After being rebuffed by Eisenhower, they were forced to seek support to stabilize the junta and retain control by establishing relations with the worlds other great power, the Soviet Union, thus adopting socialist principles. The US then proceeded to isolate Cuba whereupon Castro expelled the Americans and nationalized or shut down their casinos and other investments. Look a little further than the 50 years of US propaganda. Since the Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961, this country has attempted to isolate and economically starve out the Cuban government and its people and has failed miserably. For more than 5 decades, a majority of Americans, including much of the Cuban exile communiy, have uncritically and unquestioningly bought the US party line on this. The US drove Castro into the arms of the Soviets and, through continued social, political and economic isolation, promoted his dictatorial leanings. The Cuban people have been made to pay the price for Americas embarrassing failure at the ill-conceived and poorly executed Bay of Pigs Invasion.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:55:28 +0000

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