Face Book Aug 17, 2013 Sent ~ 9:45AM Saturday Aug. 17, 2013 up - TopicsExpress


Face Book Aug 17, 2013 Sent ~ 9:45AM Saturday Aug. 17, 2013 up date of Aug. 13, 2013 pics 2, 3, 4, 5, of David Gross & KITP in 2004. Here below the Comment we add links to KITP Directors Gross, Hartle, Langer on 10.07.04 about “OPENESS” at KITP in 1979-80. These pics beigin with De Yuan CHENG & I at U.C.S.B. just before the 4th CENSOR by Hansma/Hartle who was then “Director of The National Institute for Theoretical Physics” which was at U.C.S.B. & the reason I transferred there from U.C.S.D.. Pics 2, 3, 4, 5 exhibit David Gross in 2004 at U.C.S.B. & “Letter from the Director” where Gross advertises for Brian Greene’s mini-series on NOVA “Elegant Universe” 2003 wgbh Boston which was part of SUBLIMATION in Boston Jan-May 1986. pic 5 is of Gross & G.W. Bush in THE WHITE HOUSE OVAL OFFICE in 2004. At that time I was in Washington, D.C. and bicycled by The White House as much as 2, 3 6 times daily. https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/The1RRUniversalLawOfGravitationTheAmericanBigShotsObamaTrumpHannityVanSusteren#5846721722455982082 Langer on Openess/Ideas https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/The1RRUniversalLawOfGravitationTheAmericanBigShotsObamaTrumpHannityVanSusteren#5846721719437961506 Hartle on 1st Directors 1980 https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/StringTheory1968VsHierarchicalCosmology1922#5824853749054606130 Vid short Susskind Einstein-no point particles https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/WittenHawkingDiscoveryMag2008DefraudTheWorldJan2012#5815917084330639922 Vid 1997 Intro Witten is Einstein –Duck Kaku---NUTS And you must realize that the String theory which I knew nothing about in 1980-81 while at U.C.S.B. & although I heard about Lenny Susskind & ITP parties, I was OBLIVIOUS to “String theory.” If they had talks I did not attend. Had I know there were talks I would have been OBLIGED to attend out of RESPECT for others theories. I did not know about String theory or Ed Witten until August 1997 & PBS television “Steven Hawking’s Universe” 1997 where in hour 3, Michio Kaku introduces Ed Witten & you are compared to a ’Duck.’ I did NOT know hat Michio Kaku was anybody or even existed until 1997. https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/Jul312012#5771353178279360642 Vid PBS Greene-Gergan April 1999 Einstein, Einstein This link takes you to Susskind on 10.09.04 https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/The1RRUniversalLawOfGravitationTheAmericanBigShotsObamaTrumpHannityVanSusteren#5838631537798040482 Quantum Gravity 16 min ITP 1998-Susskind-Wheeler QFT& Gravity keep in mind Chronologically that this IS Oct 9, 2004 and that “I” do NOT exist & never did exist, neither did any theory of Hierarchical Cosmology. I am simply FORCED TO WAIT to make my move, which occurs in its 1st steps with Picasa Web in 2008. Preceeding the Oct 7-9, 2004 KITP revelations IS Nov 2003 “Elegant Universe” Brian Greene who 1st appeared on PBS Jim Lehrer in April 1999. https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/The1RRUniversalLawOfGravitationTheAmericanBigShotsObamaTrumpHannityVanSusteren#5830462564250039298 Vid Hr2, Ch1 By Oct. 9, 2004 & Susskind ‘God Bless him’ deliverance, you want to go back one year to Nov 2003 & “Elegant Universe “NOVA Hour 2, Ch 1 & “Two Conflicting theories” and as Brian enters the elevator to decend, ALL of Gross, Hartle, Langer, Susskind (sorry Lenny) should enter with him and All place hangman’s nooses around their necks, equal in length to the depth they descend, less 100 feet. That is ajoke but it is NOT funny enough to describe what the ARSEHOLES have done to themselves, to Albert Einstein & to me. To TOP IT OFF keep in mind that multimillions are being spent by N.S.F. in 2003-2004-2005 to support this INSANITY, they want MORE for 25 more years to attach “Quantum Gravity” & “I” on August 17, 2013--- 9 years after Oct 2004--- am going to work in Atlantic City as a Chair Roller to get plane fare out of this Asylum called “Americana” in the American dictionary containing Jimmy Carter’s picture. https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/Feb2620112DEAHitRunJan11991KeyWestFloridaThorazineLegRod#5818189092188135122 Vid “Inaug G W BUSH Jan 2005 “HUMAN RIGHTS” https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/PaulRyan2012ILoveSpearSpiritedDebatesAboutIdeasThatSWhatWeDoInCongress#5851484892054739186 Video “IF”Fetus/Jar 1969 I was very impressed with this film in early 1969 & knew I was about to enter a world of fame & glory & sought to have the modest John Archibald Wheeler take the bows for me. How we miss John who died April 13, 2008, 5 days after I viro recorded Hr 1, Ch1 of 112 Mercer St in “Elegant Universe” Hr1, Ch1. Link to video added to pic 19 THE WHITE HOUSE May 24, 1977 & Abe Taub June 3, 1974. pic 19 on Aug. 17, 2013 today exhibits the same “THE WHITE HOUSE” June 29, 1977 & Abraham Taub June 3, 1974 letters with this additional comment: BOTH Carter & Taub exhibit an ABSOLUTE REFUSAL TO IDENTIFY THE AXIOMATIC TREATISE ‘O.S.F.’1969-70. The Taub letter came two months AFTER the historic paper in April 1974 in the International Journal Of General Relativity & Gravitation “Rasputin, Science & the Transmogrification of Destiny.” April 1974. This paper was included in the polemic “In Defense of a Physical Theory….” 1976 delivered to president/physicist Jimmy Carter on May 24, 1977 with “O.S.F.” 1969-70. The Taub June 3, 1974 letter, little doubt, was prompted by the April 1974 IGRG Wheeler/Wyler parody based upon the facts that Taub truly was a colleague of Albert Einstein while John Archibald Wheeler was NOT & yet Wheeler BOASTED nationally & Internationally & ON VIDEO that he was the “Cherished friend & colleague of Albert Einstein,” while Taub modestly NEVER mentioned Einstein’s name as a colleague, even ONCE. The statement by Taub that we ‘had conversations’ and that I gave him ‘treatises” is TRUE. The statement “I regret that I have not been able to follow your ideas in any detail nor do I understand their implications.” is NOT TRUE. 6th grade students world-wide can understand my ideas in “O.S.F.”1969-70 & the essay “W.C.U.P.F.T.?”1972. The implications are BOTH Scientific & Religious. At that time June 3, 1974, if Taub had ‘told it like IT WAS,’ I would have been ‘the ONE & ONLY contender’ for “the next thinker like Einstein.” The June 3, 1974 Taub letter was WITHELD from the polemic 1976 & from delivery to Jimmy Carter on May 24, 1977. Jimmy Carter at carterweb.emory.edu & [email protected] should be obliged by office & titles to address the “implications” of the Taub June 3, 1974 letter. Further, the Taub letter of June 3, 1974 comes one month after the April 27, 1974 letter from Margot Einstein wher Margot describes her & Helen Dukas receiving threatening phone calls at 2:00-3:00AM in the morning. That BEGAN the same month as “Rasputin, Science & the Transmogrification of Destiny “April 1974. Margot’s letter was WITHELD from the 1976 Polemic & from delivery to Jimmy Carter on May 24, 1977. Jimmy Carter at carterweb.emory.edu & [email protected] should be obliged by office & titles, to address the “implications” of the April 27, 1974 letter of Margot Einstein & the relation to the “R.S.T.D.” April 1974 article, since that letter also describes Margot’s account of my description to her of my April 18, 1955 & my 1st experiences with the theory to which Taub refers on June 3, 1977 & which IS the subject of the April “R.S.T.D.” April 1974 parody. Further, on March 28, 1984, six doctors with two neurosurgeons, Arnold Menezes” [email protected] & Marshall Poor & Psychiatrist Rick Turner, CAN ATTEST that ‘I woke & described my memory of Hans Albert Einstein & that “He was his father’s son alright!” Did Jimmy Carter, Eric Sevareid know about that, came the trial of laughing attorney Nolan Oct 1985??? https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/The1RRUniversalLawOfGravitationTheAmericanBigShotsObamaTrumpHannityVanSusteren#5846718721172522834 Video Taub ‘74’ Carter, O’Reilly 2013 Amer Honest https://picasaweb.google/116994138211106599367/AmericanSketchesJuly102012#5814161240965489410 Vid Censor Hierarchical Cosmology/STALK MARGOT-HELEN DUKAS/SLANDER
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 13:38:58 +0000

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