FaceBook and Formal Names. Eric Eldritchs Statement: Many Gay and - TopicsExpress


FaceBook and Formal Names. Eric Eldritchs Statement: Many Gay and Queer communities use nick names as an integral part of identify. Our cultural enclaves are part of our growth, development and creativity. Unlike many in the Gay Community, we use our names to reveal (not conceal) our true identities. My life is wonderfully filled with Witches and Faeries and Bears (Oh My!) reflecting my spiritual life, my family of choice and my social network. I am proudly a Pagan, a Radical Faerie and a Bear … my birth name does not reflect my life saving identity. Our minority communities help us organize life-giving support, enjoyment and growth. We do not use our nick names as pseudonyms or false names for purposes of evasion or usury. Our nick names are not our birth names reflect our essential internal exploration, allow us freedom to evolve and represent our authentic identity. We change our names as we chart our futures and gather friends who help us attain life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness. The insistence of FaceBook to not allow nick names thwarts and suppresses our ability to reveal our true selves. Not allowing us the autonomy to define ourselves, denies our rights. The action of FaceBook puts many of us, not just performers, in real danger. Our lives and activities may be seen negatively and our difference used against us. The ugly side homophobia is real and could cost us our jobs and, in some cases our lives. You must change Facebook policies to allow nicknames that protect our personal growth, our livelihoods, our well being and our lives.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 12:51:10 +0000

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