Facebook Bowed to PUTIN of Russia, and took down a Page, about a - TopicsExpress


Facebook Bowed to PUTIN of Russia, and took down a Page, about a Middle Class Protest March next Day! Now we see Maduro Learns Fast as he Tells Twitter to take down Dollar Today Page, as Maduro Looks to Close or Buy another National Newspaper, so NO Freedom of Speech and NO Body Sees if Army Shoots the People of Venezuela, as only the Bayonet left, as CUBA Says the CUBAN Model did NOT work, and that was from Fidel Castro, as He Dumped Venezuela, and Kept 10 TONS OF THERE GOLD! Just keep saying Everything from the Venezuelan Referemdum is Ilegal as Chavez over Ruled a Peoples Referemdum with a Rubber Stamp Parliament and Supreem Court! China and Russia can whistle for any Money of Debts at a New York Court, becouse in Ten Minutes a Judge will say a Referemdum does NOT and Cannot be Overuled by a Rubber Stamp Assembley and change the Constitution anyway! Interesting Times ahead in Court, but More inportant Venezuela cant take its Seat at UN Security Council with an Ilegal Presedent, and Bent Constitution Held together Now by the Power of a Bayonet and its Morality, Briton should and Has to VETO This, as even MERCORSUR is in International Law Ilegal, with its Contracts as Vemezula was Let in the Back Door against its own Charter by Dillma Rouseff, and Chavez who should have been Impeached for Getting National Assembley to Over Rule Millions of Venezuelans in Refermdum and Chavista Supreem Court Said it was all Right! Do get the Lawyers on it Please at UN!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 11:35:03 +0000

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