Facebook Friends - Tomorrow, Saturday 6/7, ucpac.org/ Rahway NJ - TopicsExpress


Facebook Friends - Tomorrow, Saturday 6/7, ucpac.org/ Rahway NJ Union County Performing Arts Center Next Friday 6/13, rockwoodmusichall/ Rockwood Music Hall NYC ALBUM RELEASE!! FREE NANO WITH ALL VANCES ALBUMS ON IT (see previous entry) Heres a note to my modeling friends - thought Id copy and share: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Guys, Heres a link for you: france24/en/20140604-d-day-african-american-battalion-320th-france-scholar-mills-dabney-normandy/ Its hard. Hard as hell guys. Anyone that knows me knows that my politics are maybe predictably to the left on many things, but I can throw some wrench into some gears, oh yes I can. Free speech, oh, and a list of things that might surprise you. Pretty anti-fascists too. As most of you know I dont do warplanes. Reason is split between the desire to illuminate unheralded civil airliner ships and partially too because I was friends with Pete Seeger. That explains that. Yet I admire, support, and herald the efforts of all that have served in out armed forces. Period. That said, it is hard. Hard. History makes it hard. My support and acknowledgement are always tinted, bruised, shifted, by a country that never saw the irony, didnt get it then, barely gets it now, of where African Americans were in station, even in the face of what we battled on other shores. Support, supply, unarmed, unheralded, towels, sheets, food, uniforms, munitions, driving, shuttling, American, dead, dying, proud, forgotten. I had no idea of Black presence at D-Day/Normandy/Omaha till a few years ago. Over 2,000 Black soldiers. Why dont I know that shit? Weve been in every American war. Every one. Great stories of valor abound. In fact, I plan to wear my Tuskegee Airmans t-shirt at my upcoming Tuesday audition for that TV show The Voice, warplane oriented or not, because it is flatteringly black, soft, lucky, and slimming. And because I am proud. Yet Im exhausted sometimes being part of a country that simultaneously fights for peoples freedoms yet historically, without fail, cant seem to get it right and do the same at home. Im digging all the planes with their black stripes and how yall are attacking their application. You guys rock and are rocking it. Il probably volunteer to help run this event. I might have even broken down and made a peanut Catalina with a nose prop. No time. But I am reflective this day, because I am a patriot, because I speak. I speak up. I have never been to war. But I pull the ripcord on the freedom parachute when voices of dissension are muted, and I loudly pull the pin on the free speech grenade in the face of militarism gone mad. And in that, I am a patriot. And I wish a commemorative and thoughtful D-Day to you all, and all of our freedoms. xo
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 21:51:43 +0000

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