Facebook, I bid thee farewell Long since I have overstayed my - TopicsExpress


Facebook, I bid thee farewell Long since I have overstayed my welcome in your realm. For somehow I’ve lost track of time and space. Needless to say that I poured my heart out, and so did all of us. But then again, you have the tendency to make people dare to speak their minds, to some extent, I believe, even encourage them to do so. As my life went up and down, so did my status fluctuated with the rhythm of my well beings and the state of mind. Lest we forget, our emotions, anger, deceptions and joyous moments blended into ever-changing mood reflected on a couple of lines we come to know as status. As a matter of fact, if one is to define the status therein, it would be something like, what your heart is feeling right this moment, and or to quote Clint Eastwood’s famous line: are you feeling lucky punk !. I guess bad luck to the persona non-grata at that particular time. Enough said about feelings, let’s reminisce about how you have changed my life or to be precise the consequences of what you have contributed as a result of those statuses. There are those who would like to get to know me more, well, I must admit I tend to have that kind of effects on others. But alas, going from one extreme to the other, there are those who would be happy to see my demise, literally speaking bleed me to the last drop. While others seem to settle with seeing me slowly disappear in the desert and become a silhouette for good. And in between the two extremes, is the shades of the good, the bad and the ugly. To mention the shades would probably exceed the maximum allowable characters to be included in a status, and frankly I do not want others to hate me for putting them to sleep with clichés. And thus, let’s jump straight to the real deals. For those who love me dearly, and somehow sad to see me gone and become a silhouette. Oh don’t worry, you’ll get over it in a couple of minutes, yes... there will be plenty more hot statuses carry with them rumours, gossips, weddings, birthdays, engagements, heart breaking stories, death announcements all beautifully worded intended for your private entertainment. Believe me, you will have an inexhaustible supply of statuses to the full extent of your desires. And as for those whose hatred towards me have gone under their skin and perhaps to a lesser degree for some, it does not take a rocket scientist to guess your very first expression on my departure. Oh well... good riddance, let’s have a party. But to this segment, I might just say a word or two that perhaps may soothe some of the bitterness that you find a bit hard to swallow. I am sorry, I know what I did were inexcusable, or perhaps unforgivable. But now I have come to my good senses and I try to make peace to my own self. In order to do that, I need to express my deepest regret, and humbly seek your forgiveness. Even if you have doubt in my sincerity at present, I am hoping that one day perhaps you will recall that I beg for your forgiveness sincerely, and somehow you would find a way to set my past mistakes free. Now, let’s deal with all of you loose lips, back biters, columnists, gossipers and the likes which in any way have discredited me personally. I hold no grudges towards you. And for the record, what you have done and said in any shape or form on any account have all been exonerated by me. There I said it now, and forever I will hold my peace. Yours truly,
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:41:00 +0000

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