Facebook Scams: Cyber Crime Cases on Swindling WHAT TO DO IN - TopicsExpress


Facebook Scams: Cyber Crime Cases on Swindling WHAT TO DO IN CASE YOU FELL VICTIM TO A FACEBOOK SCAM ARTIST. Step 1: SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. Yes. Seek professional help. Focus on your goal and not on your emotions. Your goal is to bring the culprit to jail. Your goal is to get your money back. Your goal is to keep yourself intact after this horrifying experience with the Professional Scam Artist! In doing so, let me start with some important reminders with the following RESTRICTIONS. (1) DO NOT POST THE NAME AND PICTURE OF YOUR SCAM ARTIST AS A SCAMMER IN YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT, WALLS, ALBUMS OR IN ANY FACEBOOK GROUPS. It will do you NO GOOD. In fact it may expose you to court actions, civil, criminal or both. Come to think of it. You are dealing with a Professional Scam Artist. Would he/she use his/her real name and picture? Would he/she give you his/her real address? The answer is definitely obvious. In fact, the only truthful information that you will get from Professional Scam Artists are the amount involved and where to pay it. The other details provided by him/her will only mislead your case away from your goal. And what is worst? You might be sued in court by the owner of the picture you posted as a scam artist. Posts such as Beware of [FULL NAME] from [Address or School or Office], with picture matching the profile and identity of the real owner of the picture. You can be sued in court for INTRIGUING AGAINST HONOR, UNJUST VEXATION, DEFAMATION, etc. And if the owner of the picture is a person below 18 years old, you might get sued under Philippine Laws on Child Abuse (R.A. 7610). (2) DO NOT SIMPLY POST YOUR EXPERIENCE AND WAIT FOR RESULTS. Posting on Facebook will not bring your Professional Scam Artist to jail! File a formal complaint thru an Affidavit of Complaint detailing all the material facts, with reference to material evidence (screen shots, bank details, GCash Transaction Reference Number, etc.) and narrating the events leading to the crime allegedly committed by the Professional Scam Artist. File this notarized Affidavit of Complaint to the police station nearest you. File it also to the appropriate government agencies specializing on handling cyber crime cases. Sometimes, people who sympathize to you in Facebook are the culprits themselves or their cohorts. They would pose as victims, too and would like to be updated by you on the status of your case. (3) DO NOT TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF THE POWER TO INVESTIGATE AND PROSECUTE. Some people in Facebook may give you the false information that they have already identified and located your professional scam artist, and that they will be conducting an entrapment operation. Call the authorities immediately and inform the authorities on such development, if any. It is dangerous to engage into an alleged covert operation to investigate and prosecute without the assistance of the authorities. Do not fall into such trap. It may expose you to court actions. (4) DO NOT POST CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ON FACEBOOK REGARDING THE IDENTITY OF YOUR SCAM ARTIST. Why would you update your professional scam artist on the status of your case? Remember that your professional scam artist has so many Facebook accounts. He/she is constantly monitoring the Internet on updates. The Globe Business Center, if you fell victim thru GCash, will provide you CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION leading to the identity of your professional scam artist and his/her cohorts. Treat the document as such - CONFIDENTIAL. Do not post it on your Facebook Accounts wall or album. DO NOT post it on various Facebook Groups. It will do your case no good. In fact it will harm your case in so many ways. Seek professional help and assistance. Follow the instructions there (CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT) as to who should have it.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:26:23 +0000

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