Facebook! The social network where people connect with others. Its - TopicsExpress


Facebook! The social network where people connect with others. Its a great place to communicate with friends you dont see often. A place to connect with friends that live miles away. To keep in touch with your friends, to see pictures of their family & share yours with them. To laugh with, cry with, support in hard times, grieve with during loss. Its the best social network for all this, connecting with friends! Everyone has their own views on life, the way the world runs, their belief in the higher power. It is a great network to get pressing news out, spread the word on dangerous criminals, abusers, lost family members, lost pets. I personally have learned a lot from information passed around, some very informative & useful, some sad & disturbing, some interesting & funny. I do get tired of seeing so much political bashing, people bashing(like welfare), the horrible acts that sick people do to animals. But even though this is unpleasant to see & read, it helps me realize that YES there really are sick people out there like this, the world is full of disturbed people. YES everyone does have their own opinion on issues in the country, we are lucky to have the freedom to voice so many different opinions. YES welfare, the homeless, the sick, the poor, DO need extra help & I for one dont mind helping. YES their are those that scam, cheat, rob, & take advantage of our government. I dont worry about them because the number of honest people that really are sick, hurt, poor, homeless, unemployed out weigh them & again I dont mind doing all I can to help them. Everyone has to answer for their actions when their time comes, its their afterlife they will answer to in the end. So just live your life to the best of your ability, be the best you can be, do what you know in your heart to be right. Love, Live, Laugh! I know all too well, life doesnt always go the way you plan, there are many road blocks in your path you walk, there sometimes seem like more negative than positive going on. Other people who come into your life with their own agenda that isnt comparable to your agenda. Life gets messed up sometimes, but its up to you to control you, to control your destiny, to make your wrong right, to work through the bad times & make them better. It is you & only you who can make yourself happy, it is you & only you that really knows inside what you want, how you feel, what you need. it is you & only you who has to answer for your life when the time comes. So make it something to be proud of, make it something you dont need to be worried about answering for. There really wasnt any point in this post! I was just noticing all the different views of everyones post & wanted to point out the diversity in everyone in the world. So many try to push their point if views on others, so much bashing of others, so much negativity going around. So much hurt & pain going around, I know Ive had my share if all this! I just wanted to give a positive boost I guess & put a smile on a few faces, give someone a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Be grateful, give thanks, hug someone that needs it, or hug someone because you need it! Thank you for taking the time to read this! Have a bright, happy, lighthearted day!!! Many blessings to everyone.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 15:54:12 +0000

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