Facebook Unbans American White History Month Page by Angela - TopicsExpress


Facebook Unbans American White History Month Page by Angela Turner In an unprecedented move of epic proportion from the nauseatingly liberal social network, Facebook has restored AMERICAN WHITE HISTORY MONTH. Over 2 months ago Facebook banned American White History Month, an extremely popular site with nearly 75,000 members and fans. The intelligently presently and uniquely displayed page was the brainchild of a Marine that was fed-up with the double standard. The main purpose of the site to instill WHITE PRIDE and to stop apologizing for being white. He along with his hardworking manager and team created an amazing site where White people can go to express what it is like to be White in America, especially in this trying economy with affirmative action and all the double standards given to minorities. American White History Month has worked tirelessly around the clock to bring news and history to its fan base. While absolutely never tolerating any racist or slanderous remarks. The site primary focuses on White History, reporting stories that the liberal propaganda media controlled by Obama (can you say MSNBC Chris Matthews and Al Sharpton) has ignored such as the murder of Chris Lane by 3 blacks. As well as organizing and raising money and awareness for whites in South Africa that are being raped and murdered daily while facing possible genocide. Where as American White History Month also tends to lean hard to the right ProGuns, ProLife and ProConstitution they would join a prominent group of Conservative pages that were targeted and banned around the same time. Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children had millions of followers and were banned without explanation as well as the very popular Extremely Pissed Off Right Wingers. Facebook(Can you say IRS??) has no accountability for who they target while their actions are based solely on their liberal views. Having a Conservative page on a liberal social network one learns to play their game of censorship. As we know the President Barack HUSSEIN Obama was quoted as saying “the future does not belong to those who insult the prophet”. Well a Facebook page’s future also depends on this statement. Dare to question an Islamic beheading of a Christian and you will find yourself in what Conservatives have come to term as “Facebook Jail” or “Facebook Time-out.” That is when Facebook decides that you will no longer be able to post on your own site for a certain amount of time. Sometimes it is 24 hours but can also be 30, 60, 90 days and as we know sometimes forever. It is at their own “liberal” discretion. All the while pages that secrete RACISM, hatred and violence such as Death to Israel and Exposing Black Truth have never been banned or had repercussions after being reported by hundreds of people. Let us take a look at how this correlates to what is going on in the White House. With Obama acting as the great divider and instigator of our country none of this is surprising. He who had the ability to unite America for the first time has chosen to divide us by getting involved in the Trayvon Martin Case simply because he was black. He hides nothing about his ProMuslim, ProIllegals, ProBlack Agenda. While using the Martin/Zimmerman Case this and other tragedies to enforce his political agenda of disarming Americans. All his focus on division while our nation’s debt continues to grow to increasing scary proportions. So despite being called racist and being feared by the left, American White History Month has come together to unite White people. Many of us grew up in cities where we experienced racism because we are white. This Facebook page lets us talk to people with similar experiences. We discuss all the violence perpetrated against Whites, and encouraged by RACE mongrels such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, simple because of their skin color. I am proud to be a fan and friend of American White History Month and I am so excited that Facebook decided to listen to the thousands of Facebook subscribers that complained. You will never see this blonde, blue eyed, pale white skinned apologizing for being white. AND WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED. Shut us down we will come back stronger. This scares the opposition...
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 10:03:50 +0000

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