Facebook asked me what my favorite memory is of Frank and I......I - TopicsExpress


Facebook asked me what my favorite memory is of Frank and I......I really dont have just one. I love my life, I love sharing it with Frank Sullivan, I love when he comes home in the evenings and we just sit, talk, watch a movie together, unwinding. My favorite memories are not when we are at events or formal dinners, but more so those day to day things that occur, the everyday life, just walking this journey together, holding his hand, being able to look over at him and know that he is right there with me. There is something about standing side by side during worship at church, Love watching him worship God. I love walking through flea markets with him. I love when he makes me popcorn with just the right amount of salt for me. He always knows when to bring the chocolate with sea salt caramel and a dr. pepper. He understands me. He supports pretty much any idea I have wanted to try. I could never be successful at homeschool without him. I could never lead our small group without him covering me in prayer, and standing behind me. There were times I could not have even faced life, if it had not been for him. We have suffered loss, walked through fire at times, stared cancer in the face, weve been scared, worried and shed lots of tears. When I cant pray through something on my own, he is the one I turn to, to lead me through prayer until I get to the answer. We have also experienced great joy, success, victories both great and small. He stood by me and held my hand when the doctors said I would not live. He never blinked, he just kept saying, I know God is not done with you, and He will bring you through, I have the faith for both of us. He taught me how to 2-step, which was a funny experience. I love to dance with him. He played baseball all his life, he played the position of catcher. Life threw us some curves this year, good thing he learned how to catch all those years ago. Memories......I think everyday is my favorite memory. We were not each others first love, or highschool sweetheart, but we are each others last great love.....thats what matters. When I look back at how far we have come, when I think about the people we used to be before God set us free from the baggage and issues we had coming from prior marriages, I dont even recognize those two people anymore. It feels like I have always been with him, like we were always together. I think God is able to do that in our lives if we let Him. He can restore the years that the enemy took from us, if we will allow Him to. Its only been 8 years since we married, but in my heart it feels like a lifetime. I dont know the future today, but I know that as I walk toward it, I go unafraid, I go with confidence, I go with joy, I go with my #1 fan, my best friend, my partner, my cheerleader, my true love, I go with the man that I want beside me til the day I draw my last breath. Maybe, just maybe, my favorite memory is still in the making.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:49:35 +0000

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