Facebook asks, Whats on your mind, --Well, here it is, Jan.20, - TopicsExpress


Facebook asks, Whats on your mind, --Well, here it is, Jan.20, 2001 a man named Geo. W Bush took office. Now before anyone goes crazy saying --your a Republican, I want to tell you, your wrong. I used to think that myself, but then, there was a time that I was a Dem. as well. But as a woman I am allowed to change my mind, why cant I the politicians do all the time. I was a Dem. when JFK was elected. But then according to todays standards, JFK would have been a Republican as well. So, as the system changed, and it did, I become a Republican, and as the system changed even more, I became an Independent, and just about as Independent as a person can get. I call myself an, American. No special political party, to be perfectly honest, I am sick of politics. But as an American, I feel I have to pay attention to what is going on. I cant just leave it go and then go vote for anyone name I have heard in the past or saw on a board somewhere and believe that I have filled my patriotic duty. To many have done that to long and that is part of the reason we are in this mess. They have no idea whom is running for what and so they see a name and say, Oh yes, I have heard that name, I dont know these other names, so I better vote for this person. So they do, and that can be proven just by the fact so many House of Rep. and Senators have been in office 35-40 plus years. Dont believe me look up some like Chuck Schumner of NYS. He has done harm to New Yorker and US and yet he has been there for 40 years. And this year, guess what hes after our 1st. Amendment. He wants to take away our freedom of speech and religion, oh he wont mess with the press, why should he, they already have the press in their back pocket. Back to Jan. 2001. we elected Geo.W. Bush, spent his 4 years was re-elected, spent another 4 years. During those 8 years, just a few months into his presidency a terrible thing happened, Sept. 11th. GW Bush dealt with it the best he could and so some say that he made some mistakes, but all human, and humans do make mistakes. But there is a big difference between making a mistake and doing it deliberately. But there really wasnt even one minute that I believe, my President didnt love America, or that I believe my President was trying to sell out America. There were some times, I did think maybe he was trying to slow down the sell out of America. And for that I was truly grateful. This is not to say I thought everything he did was wonderful, I hated the no child left behind program, not because the program was bad, it was the implementation that was terrible, and that had a lot to do with the Unions. But that is for another day. Back to the presidency, then Jan. 2009 came. Now I am not even going to try to tell you that I was happy when Obama was elected, because as an Independent I don;t believe in much that he does. But there a saying,--- it is what it is. So, I believed we had to deal with the next 4 to 8 years no matter what. And that is exactly what we got, Since 2009 I have been ashamed of my President, I have been sorry for our Country, I have been angry at our government and now I am just plain afraid for my Country and this world. As Ms. Crowley so rightly stated, we are in a Holy War, not because we want to be there, but because the terrorist do. And sadly, I believe our President is on the wrong side.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 15:12:18 +0000

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