Facebook dilemma #47: My mom did her best to raise me to have - TopicsExpress


Facebook dilemma #47: My mom did her best to raise me to have manners and etiquette, and to be as polite to others as I wish to receive in return. I get several messages on here, every single day, some short and sweet, some long and informative, some that are very funny, and some that are from people who clearly did not have a mother like I did. If I know you (for real) I will prioritize your message and get back to you ASAP, but if I dont know you, it may take me up to a week or longer to get back to you. Heres my dilemma: If I dont know you and you are writing me to say a simple Hello I will write you back and say Hello as well. If you are writing me to give me a tasteful compliment, you can count on getting a Thank you in return. However, please understand that these basic responses are my way of letting you know that I am thankful for your kindness and that I am not above saying a simple Hello or a Thank you. I am not writing you back because I want to chat, or because I think youre cute, or because I am interested in getting to know you, or because I am looking to date you, and I absolutely, most certainly am not writing you back because I want to have private, inappropriate conversations with you. Furthermore, if you choose to attempt to write me anything even remotely inappropriate, I will block you, immediately! End of story. I have made it a rule to not chat on here; my chat feature is turned off and it will remain off. When I write you back, it is simply because I feel that its the right thing to do, its how I was raised, and it would make me feel terrible inside to ignore you. Bottom line: Please do not mistake my kindness and my manners, for flirting. I value and respect every single one of you, and all I ask is that you do the same in return. Thank you :)
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 02:58:59 +0000

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