Facebook friends, I know I ask a lot of you. But I really, really - TopicsExpress


Facebook friends, I know I ask a lot of you. But I really, really feel this one matters. Please read. I understand we are all tired of this. I think its a reality of the 24-hour news cycle and of the way weve been conditioned to process information that, after so many of us have screamed ourselves hoarse over Ferguson, there is no attention in the public left for this. I feel weve completely missed it. I understand these conversations are exhausting but they are so important. Please, please, please. From the bottom of my heart, I implore anyone who reads this status, if you have not seen the video (its extremely disturbing) to at least read about this case. If you care at all about justice, no matter how tired of this you are, you need to be aware of this case. It is mandatory. If you are someone who generally shies away from social activism, please take a beat before you condemn enraged rioters or complain about blocked traffic. Reflect upon how fortunate you are just to have an educated voice with which to condemn, or a car to drive and a job to be late to. Understand that these are privileges that not everyone shares, and the absence of such privilege can sometimes culminate in getting choked to death in the street. Ask yourself if the passengers waiting for Rosa Parks bus were also annoyed that they were late for work. If you and I tend to disagree in these issues, let me respectfully as I can please ask you to take the time to ask yourself if you are so rigidly committed to, what might be a valid or honorable ideology or identity that you cant question why a cop who illegally choked a man to death on camera is still receiving a paycheck comprised of the tax dollars of the family whose son he stole. Lastly, if you do watch this video... It is fine and even healthy if we disagree on solutions, but if you watch this man die and all you can do is shrug, I dont care how long weve known one another or if were related by blood. Please unfriend me and exit my life forever. I hope that the Garner family is able to find peace and I hope some day I can look back on this horrific two-week span as a catalyst for change. Please hope with me .youtu.be/5LSBpwmMnVM
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 07:37:32 +0000

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