Facebook has a level of policies that they expect its users to - TopicsExpress


Facebook has a level of policies that they expect its users to adhere too. I read an article today about how various authorities demanded that facebook remove a page entitled Aboriginal Memes, as it was deemed a hate page. Whilst most would agree, such things are not the type of thing society would tolerate, im starting to see many inconsistencies in how society acts as a whole, and governments head the queue in how they are now trying to influence independant internet websites and their running of what ultimately belongs to them. Facebook is littered with hate,racism,profanity, nudity etc as it has been hijacked in terms of what people use it for. Go back many years ago, and it was a website used for people to reconnect with family around the world, with old friends, and general friends. It wasnt a dating site, a business promotion site, a social meme site, or a means for political parties to exploit to gain support. It wasnt a site popular with teenagers, and for memory, kids under 18 needed parental approval to register. The site grew and with it was the owners threats of charging to use it. Thats where the site started with the business sponsorship plan, and other promotional avenues. It has grown into a vast commercialized network and if anything been vandalized. Facebook never ran a strict policy or enforcement of rules and regulations. Governments have chosen to make demands they start to censor, ban users etc with pressure. Why? Cos facebook doesnt reflect government policies? Societies political correctness, morals and values? People need to understand that facebook,like many social sites were exactly that, social. But where anti-social behaviour has happened, that has made governments and schools angry over bullying etc online, they have failed to recognize some simple things. Did facebook users, people who searched for family and friends expect to see pages of media and radio stations? consumer retailers? charity and church groups? political parties? personalized MP pages? And expect kids to be harrassed and abused? Now ask yourself this - every individual has the power to block a person, decline a request, delete people THEY chose to add, and also turn off their computer to shield their eyes from reading words that may take offence. Kids being bullied online clearly is a parent issue. Stop your kid using it, educate them on what kinds of things they may view. Ultimately, governments high on social media control do so for political gain. The socialists pushed the facebook team to implement changes, but did they ever stop and think that facebook was never a social media forum? Nor was it a political forum. It became so for people to exercise their FREEDOM of SPEECH. FREEDOM of CHOICE. Like a last frontier for the public to do and say what they want. Now it is monitored and policed by social wowsers with a nanny mentality trying to once again limit peoples rights to do as they please. Yes we expect people to be tolerant of others, respect their opinions and views, however, many has lost sight of what exactly a FREE COUNTRY use to be. They also fail to realize the site isnt owned by Australian people, or has any government or sovereign control. It is an independant mechanism for the general public to adhere to Facebook terms and conditions. My mention of the Aboriginal Memes site and its removal was simply to highlight how politicians are using the same site to spruik their views and opinions against a minority in bikies, so the same rules should apply. The QLD Government, and the Premiers Team have clearly shown a level of discrimination on their pages singling out people into our society as criminals etc. Whilst i understand the administrators of this group are trying to somehow remove and limit peoples views, as some may not be the kinds of things you want to read or view, to me it now seems there is a policy of censorship and control that resembles some of the things we detest in our governments and authorities. I think the unique thing about Australian culture was its standing as one on things like democracy,freedom of speech, a free country. Political correctness and wrapping society in cotton wool has turned people into over sensitive drama queens, that ultimately has changed our society into one where people fear speaking their mind in case they offend someone. The fact is, reading the terms here now being put in place presents hypocrisy on many levels. You have allowed a few bad apples to force people to now tread carefully in what they say? The only time things have got heated is when various people who have taken part in things have presented views that tend to show some sort of agreement with government or sympathy for police. That oh, they are just doing their job. To have my views now needing approval shows that its pretty hard to stand as one to fight for civil liberties when you are taking away a persons right in being free in an open group to speak their mind. This is the kind of thing Stephen Conroy and Julia Gillard pushed for. To control social media and the flow of freedom of speech. I dont know any of you, and whilst some of you may have different views and opinions to mine, i am a free thinker, a non conformist and have never liked rules and regulations at the best of times, as im sure many on here would be the same. Dont silence a man if his tongue speaks words that are sensitive to your ears. Maybe he just describes a person with a word common amongst the circles he communicates. When i call Campbell Newman a twat, im sure 9/10 would agree. Call him a fool, it just doesnt have that same level of passion in your views. I Will Associate With Whoever I Want - I Wont be Silenced (until those who are meant to stand as one want to play headmaster and start stripping away your personal views,opinions, what you say and how you say it) Sorry, but i saw Proudly Australian stand on the steps of parliament and use foul language at a protest, i watched him on SBS speak his mind and do the same. The point is we are now primary school kids and need a course in internet etiquette. We are here to support and express our hatred of those enforcing DRACONIANISM, FASCISM. People are angry and pissed off and now you want to change the rules how people behave? Like social police? Not everyone has the ability to do that or can bite their tongue. When i read comments from a mate of mine who got jack of things here, well, i apologize but i can see why he has. Am i on the right page? The page grew out of people being themselves cos society these days is doing its best to stop them being FREE to speak their mind.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 09:01:42 +0000

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