Facebook is a great place to keep in touch, share your stories, - TopicsExpress


Facebook is a great place to keep in touch, share your stories, photos and life with friends and family. I was urged to join by an old and dear friend of mine who I knew from high school. Since then I have been able to reconnect with a number of people from my past and share a lot of thoughts and beliefs with others. Last night a Dear friend and I got into a heated debate. For any of you who read or followed it, know this. The words that I read (in my mind and in my perception) were words that felt as though they were stabbing me in the heart and twisting the knife around. This was not her intention. She was sharing her beliefs, her feelings and her thoughts with me. It is my belief that in Life, sometimes it is really good for someone to come along and push your buttons. This gives you a chance to reflect on your inner thoughts and feelings, and check yourself for whatever is wrong/off with you that allowed your buttons to be pushed in the first place. This is how we get to work on us. To me, this was an opportunity she was giving me to really take an inventory of myself, my higher self and my inner self. When someone can push a button or two, my thought is that there is a reason why this affected you so much that you allowed that button to be pushed and why so many or such strong buttons are pushed. I am no psychiatrist, so all I can do is evaluate myself from my own level of knowledge. I love my friend. I love you all. We are all in this world together and are brethren. I try to make my page uplifting, spiritual, and positive. That was one of these things. I should have walked away before I did. Instead I fed right into it. This could have just been a lesson in how to NOT be affected by another persons perceived hateful, angry words. I really dont know what it was for, but I now get to contemplate the words that we shared with each other, and that is worthwhile to me. She doesnt want me to give credit to God for the work I do. I can see and even understand that. I do try my best to help others and to serve my time on this planet in a loving, helpful way. I do have trouble taking credit for things, taking compliments, and taking positive criticism. This may be what I have to work on with myself. Whatever it turns out to be, thank you Kristi Benson, for pushing my buttons! I love you girl!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:21:32 +0000

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