Facebook is a wonderful medium most of the time. Ive mostly - TopicsExpress


Facebook is a wonderful medium most of the time. Ive mostly steered clear of politics, religion and other contentious subjects and have friends from all walks of life, beliefs, creeds and opinion. This is good and makes for lively discussion and the opportunity to light-heartedly take the piss. Occasionally, though, someone comes along who appears hell bent on causing trouble and unrest. I was recently hauled over the coals for likening a woman Id seen in a pub to Jocky Wilson. This wasnt meant cruelly. I am known for my acid ‘wit (for want of a better word) and she did, in fact, look like Jocky Wilson. Not as he looks NOW you understand, but as he did at an earlier date, most memorably on the wall behind Dexys Midnight Runners on Top Of The Tops. At the time I was vilified by a particular person who had been a ‘friend for some time and with whom I had little contact apart from the odd ‘like and comment here and there, as with many of the several hundred friends Ive accumulated over the seven or so years Ive been on here. Apparently the comparison was cruel and ‘unforgiveable or something. Fine. I took note, logged it in the back of my mind and moved on. Well, apparently not only does this person dislike what they see as disparaging remarks directed to others they dont know and, as far as they do know, might not even exist because I could have made it up - as a joke - but neither do they care for the sort of sentimental, loving messages I occasionally (or every five minutes, allegedly) post for my Eileen. Now, quite a few people do like these little posts and have told us both that they brighten up their days and they like the way we talk to each other and so on. Apparently not everyone. We get jocular references to paper bags and sick buckets but these are fine and taken in the spirit they are intended. Once in a while though someone, for whatever personal reasons they may have, decide its not adorable and post rather unpleasant and arsey comments to that effect, thereby inferring that they are in some way significant in the lives of one or both of us when in actual fact all they are is someone who occasionally surfaces to make a point and then buggers off again leaving a bad smell behind. Such an occasion reared its head last night. Id posted a rather lovely picture for Eileen and this person came on telling me that they werent as delighted and enlightened as some and suggested I ought to send this sort of thing as a pm rather than post it all over Facebook. Well, as Eileen rightly pointed out, thats what the unfriend/hide/block options are for but it seems by that time the person in question had already elected to take the unfriend route. Good. That saved me doing it. To all my Friends out there - and there are many who are truly so - I will continue to post soppy, mushy things as and when I wish - not every five minutes because that would very quickly become nauseating but once in a while and those whose days are indeed lightened by them need have no fear whilst those to whom its offensive can take one of the free choices above. Peace, love and cringey stuff.... Andy xx
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 11:48:02 +0000

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