Facebook keeps asking me, Whats Up? So here goes... I have been - TopicsExpress


Facebook keeps asking me, Whats Up? So here goes... I have been waiting for six weeks to direct a film that was originally slated to have gone into production over a month ago...Even passed on a couple of small paying gigs so as to show my commitment to the project even though I was never given a contract or a holding deal. Just got the word that its not happening this fall, due to circumstances beyond anyones control...so theres no bad guy to scapegoat and rail against...All that being said, I am both relieved and disappointed. Relieved because the prep time would have been woefully short and the approaching winter weather could have easily ruined us as our film was to be all Northern Atlantic seaboard locations with no stage work and the exteriors needed to feature the particularly gorgeous look of fall foliage. One heavy rain or early snow and bye-bye pretty leaves! I dont need or want to direct something I feel cant be anything other than wonderful especially due to the various factors that have nothing to do with the actual making of the film...and you cant put a disclaimer on your project with a list of grievances about how it could have been a much better film except for this, that and the other...but I also need to work! My bird only eats gluten free, organically grown nuts and fruits and they dont just grow on trees! OH wait...nevermind that last part...Also, its been a long haul getting to this point as I have been attached to this project for over 4 years and have been intimately involved with creature designs and builds and outlines and script notes and pitch meetings, etc. all on my own dime with only a handshake deal. We all want to play but the more you want it, the more they make you pay, usually in sweat and time and passion. You need to be emotionally attached to the work in some fashion to care enough to do the job in the first place and when things dont work out...it can be emotionally draining as well as financially... When you realize none of what we do in entertainment really matters and its mostly all smoke and promises and can fade away in an instant, you understand why people in our industry of showbiz are like Almond croissants: Very sweet but also bit nutty and very flaky...Some of us dont want to be, and cant be despite the tenuous job prospects but planning ones life in this environment is like trying to chart a path across a crocodile infested lake by hopping on the backs of small, drunken, three legged snapping turtles swimming near a whirlpool during a cat 3 hurricane and you only get paid if you can get to the other side without getting wet! Weird analogy, I know, but its 104 degrees outside and dry as a mummys mustache and so that aquatic adventure actually sounds pleasant. Anyway, the good news is...it will most likely get made someday and hopefully I still will be able to direct it...as for now, I can start pursuing other gigs and focus on my own projects and maybe even have some fun this Halloween as I will be in LA! Chalk it up to: Feces occurs, When one door shuts, make sure your toes arent near it, etc., etc... Thanks for indulging my little rant...its good to vent but not dwell on the downside...I am healthy, happy, surrounded by lovely people who I love and adore and I still would rather do what I do more than anything else except maybe being a polygamous billionaire satyr king in charge of all comedy and monster movies..so if you hear of any job openings that sound like that...Let me know! Otherwise, stay cool, hug more, laugh more, avoid the crocodiles and thanks for being my friends, acquaintances and FB buddies! Kisses, K
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:58:22 +0000

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