Facebook poll- Full Honesty- How many of you Musicians and Music - TopicsExpress


Facebook poll- Full Honesty- How many of you Musicians and Music fans receive over 50 Notifications at least daily and 80% are people posting You Tube videos from Random Bands? Although many may be great artists with great songs is it troublesome when you go to your notifications & The Large majority of Notifications are Reposts of You Tube videos? I realize many local and regional bands are using facebook as does SuperNova Remnant for building a following without radio/TV- and there are forums for this- but lately it seems like almost everyone is posting a video or some unknow band? Is it just me? Thanks for being merciful with me at times when I "blow up Facebook" with gig announcements or interviews and of course promoting my New Book Wannabee Rock Star Who Finally Found The Rock . This is my best forum for now as a self published author (Thanks to Gary Taylor and Robert Bard) Many times I suggest people go one to one in the inbox or group to share content relevant to the audience to avoid abuse and overuse of which I have been aware as a learning curve in my own efforts. I Imagine we would ALL agree if we had the funds for a Televison budget it may be a bit different for those of us sharing/advertising, but even then FOX news and other heavyweights On Air have a Facebook presence and are heavy on Twitter also. Thanks for your feedback.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 01:02:19 +0000

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