Facebook taunts me asking me whats on my mind. Sure, Ill bite: On - TopicsExpress


Facebook taunts me asking me whats on my mind. Sure, Ill bite: On my mind are Flight MH17 and the conflict between Israel and Palestine. First flight MH17. Ask yourselves why THIS flight was SO FAR out of the route normally traveled by this charter. All 10 previous flights were safely flying AROUND this hot zone. Not this one. This flight took a LONGER route to its destination than all previous flights and in doing so flew over a warzone. Yes, a war zone with restricted air space. This means you are not allowed to fly over this area unless you fly above 32KM high. This charter normally flies at 35-39KM height. But again, not this one as it flew at just 32KM height - thats 3000m lower than it would normally fly at, while knowingly crossing restricted airspace WHILST ON A DETOUR FROM ITs REGULAR FLIGHT PATH. On board were 100 experts on HIV/ AIDS - does that mean something or is it coincidence? I dont know. Is this convenient for someone? Probably. Either way; pissing of the Europeans seems like a good deal for anyone out to create either war and/ or anti-Russian propaganda. But someone would never do that! - well, think again. It has been done before plenty of times. Ask yourselves how a rebel group can post a supposedly intercepted phone call between the Russians concerning the plane that just got shot down but POST IT ONLINE A DAY BEFORE THE ATTACK... Call me a crazy conspiracy thinker but that does not sound like coincidence. It sounds like someone knew a plane was going to get shot down beforehand. And while we are on the topic of conspiracy thinking: remember 9-11? Do you remember what you were shown? Remember HOW YOU WERE MADE TO BELIEVE (and most of you readily believed) how a few pieces of debris around the pentagon represented a plane crash? Well, if anything, at least you now know what a mess a plane crash really creates and that NOTHING VAPORIZES BECAUSE OF HEAT OR FROM BEING HIT BY A MISSILE. Maybe at least you now know you were lied to then and readily believed it because you were busy mourning people you didnt even know rather than look for how and why. Oh and also: remember how in the past civilian casualties have been deliberately created to skew public opinion and lure people into wars? Oh you didnt know that? Welcome to the real world, Neo. Word of advice: dont take the bait! Now, onto Israel and and Palestine. Actually... this shit tires me. Lets skip that and get some work done.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 08:58:21 +0000

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