Facebook was made with a vision to connect people.when it came to - TopicsExpress


Facebook was made with a vision to connect people.when it came to india after years, to some people it appeared as a timepass website while to most it looked like a place to showoff (cultural differences between india and america..yeah..).Only a few appreciated why it was built and they were disappointed when facebook replaced orkut for the wrong reasons. Orkut might have died out but facebook didnt win either. But it did ressurrect the idea of showing off amongst indians (yes I am talking about things happening in every housing society). Its a fact to be accepted with closed eyes. Kind of locking a secret in a closed box and throwing the keys into indian ocean. No doubt Facebook is struggling capture the indian social atmosphere, but after Zuckerbergs lifetime subscription of whatsapp , he still has a chance to connect billions of indians struggling with device and network bandwidth issues. 19bn $ is too less a price to pay given the enormous opportunity whatsapp presents to facebook. Good one, Mark.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 07:37:21 +0000

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