Facing Family One Day At a Glance EXODUS 4:12 Now go; I will help - TopicsExpress


Facing Family One Day At a Glance EXODUS 4:12 Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say I am often impressed when I speak through these sermons. I learn so much when they are complete. GOD has his hand on every word typed, and it is to him that the glory remains. Many of times Father will fill me with his spirit to speak with another. He often times speaks out loud to others through me. I am amazed at some of the things that fall out of my mouth. I was once asked how I am so quick to the shot, and all I can reply is GOD is in control. I shut my face and this allows him to speak. It’s a quenching of the mouth. A force of nature in which is felt personally. Not everyone has received the gift of prophesy. It is a grandeur gift with many of repercussions for those who were granted it. The most amazing thing that comes with this ability is the sense of closeness I have with the Father when he speaks through me, or me on his behalf. There is no clue as to what is going to be said until it is said. He speaks each word, word by word. Only when he has finished speaking through me do I know what he has said. Have you ever came back at an insult wittingly quick, and had no clue of how you came up with it? Same thing I’m talking about here. The words fall out of my mouth, as though I don’t even know what I am talking about but by the end of the statement I too will be in awe. Now I have been taught by Christ for 14 years now so I know my place in the body, but there are many of those, you, that are confused about this activity, and it has been brought to GOD’S attention, apparently. ( that word was added in by me. Lol…). When Father wants to speak through you, you know it. It’s a pressure on the tongue, a spirit on the brain. A heavy burden to purge. It is not mistaken for an argument at hand. It is a personal message to be delivered to one that is within your midst. There is no denying there are fake prophets, priests, chaplains, pastors who speak of their own agendas. This is life. You will find a crook in every profession. You are given the gift of discernment, the knowledge to understand the word of GOD. If confusion sets in, than know that the devil is among you. Always test the spirit, if it is from GOD. Father doesn’t get upset when we want to know if it is his word coming to them. He’s flattered that you seek him. Faith is the most beautiful gift we received. With no doubt, we come as a child and believe upon his promises. Yes each of us has had the supernatural acts performed for us after salvation, but most of us walk in a dead state daily. Talking to Jesus when we get a chance. So every time you speak to the Father whether in questioning or admonition, it is true belief in the greater GOD that we all trust in. He isn’t upset with us when we wonder if what we are doing in in line with his plan. He is delighted that we are seeking his plan. There is never any reason not to take something to the cross and dump it and there is never any reason you can’t take it to the Father to be understood. He loves us so dearly that he is waiting for the chance to speak with us personally. Sometimes we are blessed enough to receive a word from the Father in a dream. These are very special blessings bestowed on us from GOD. Then there are times a song will speak to us directly. This is a wonderful way to be in tune with the Holy Spirit because this means his timing for that event took more than a moment to line up. We also receive GOD’ word through his bible. Strange when he is speaking through a scripture and it regards the exact situation we are enduring at that time and it brings us into peace knowing he has his hands on everything and knows the exact situation we are in. It gives us Goosebumps when he does this. So imagine for a moment he sends one of his children, a sister or brother in Christ, to speak with you. Would you receive the word with joy, whether it was a chastisement or direction, or would you say to yourself that GOD needs to tell you directly? This would be great, but if you aren’t willing to listen to him talking through one of his prophets, why do you assume you would listen to him speaking directly? Do you not realize he has probably already tried dealing with you first? You must know that his truth is not just thrown around to the prophets but is clearly written word for word in the Bible. What about the Holy Spirit that dwells within you? If a prophet speaks to you, listen intently, it’s GOD’S last voice.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:09:20 +0000

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