Facing Family One Day At a Glance ZECHARIAH 2:3 Then the angel who - TopicsExpress


Facing Family One Day At a Glance ZECHARIAH 2:3 Then the angel who was speaking to me left, and another angel came to meet him It’s pretty amazing when one leaves your presence and you wonder to yourself if that was an angel, or GOD in human form. I have myself, as well as other friends of mine reported, not knowing or not, but seriously questioning if someone that passed their walk that day was from heaven. I often error on the side of supporting that it was most likely an angel or GOD himself due to the fact that we would never question it if it wasn’t’ laid on our hearts that it was such an event. I know this may sound crazy as all get outs, but why can’t the angels come and speak with us through out our days? I have often times known it was GOD in the flesh, and have even reported it to other Christians that were in my midst. I don’t care who thinks it sounds absurd. I know what I’ve seen, I know what I felt, and I know what my mind is putting together for me to believe. There were occasions where there would have been no other explanation but to assume heaven sent me a visitor. Since I can’t share who the person was, because no one saw him but me, It’s really hard to back up my story with the event. It happened none the less, and it has happened approximately 3 to 4 times since I can count from the date I was born again. All other visits would have gone un noticed prior to that date. Now this may seem far fetched to one that has been born again but has not had the blessed encounter happen to their awareness as of yet. If you don’t believe me, just ask Father to show you what I’m talking about. Explain to him you would like to be greeted by an angel, or even his Greatness in the flesh. Ask and you shall receive. My daughter Mercy fell on her way into a church one morning last winter. She slipped hard, face flat on a sheet of ice. As I turned to grab her, automatically I was speaking with Jesus that he be in it before I saw her damage. As I picked her up, not a scratch, just a laugh, and a little voice screaming the word, “ Angels. Angels mommy, angels”. I’m like okay, and almost tripping because I don’t remember ever using that word to her. I’ve never seen the invisible angels where I’d of even mentioned to her, so it blew me aside that she had used that word…..which at the time would have been one of maybe 5 words she was able to speak. So anyway I m walking her into the church and down the hallway to get to her classroom and she is grabbing my arm loudly wailing, “ANGELS” MOMMY, “ANGELS”. By this time I got Goosebumps, and I’m realizing that she is most likely seeing something, them. I get her into the classroom and share the story with the teacher, and head out to the lobby before the sanctuary and hear the choir singing a song about angels. I’m tickled, and get sat down in my pew, and the pastor comes on down to speak the sermon. Yep, you guessed it, it’s all about the angels that come in honor of a holy fast. I’ll be darn, My Mercy saw Angels. This is all I can explain. Six months later, Mercy is sitting in the back seat, and imperatively demands to speak with the angels. I’m a little thrown off guard, and tell her that she will have to ask GOD for this kind of miracle. My daughter without a cue from me to begin, just starts talking away to the Father in heaven. She then throws a fit at me a few moments later because she hasn’t, apparently, gotten her wish. I tell her I’m sorry, I can’t tell GOD what to do. She throws a bit of a tantrum, and I casually change the topic. Moments later, she is speaking to the angel. I have a no idea what she had said, I just know that the angel didn’t stay long enough because moments later my daughter wants tells me she wants the angel to come back. She has more to say. Hmmmmm, I’m going to leave this topic there. I wasn’t the one to see the angels, I was just witness to a child barely understanding the English language carrying on a conversation with an angel, whom apparently took off too fast. Hmmmm, maybe he needed to leave and confer with another angel. Zechariah was no different than Mercy. Touch everyone you can in one form of goodness or another, it just may be one of GOD’S angels coming to minister to the unsaved, and it may just be GOD incarnate, then again, maybe YOU are just seeing things.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 05:06:36 +0000

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