Facing the Giants In Your Life “Challenges are what make life - TopicsExpress


Facing the Giants In Your Life “Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. ”Have you thought about the fact that Giants Are Real! “Giants” are not some figment of your imagination. “Giants” are not something that you dream up. “Giants” are problems, pressures, pains, and persecutions we will have to face from time to time in our lives. “Giants” often times cause major difficulties in our life and brings with it the possibility of life threatening situations. Now you may be wondering, what are some of the “Giants” that people face: (1)- There is the Giant of Resentment (2)- There is the Giant of Fear (3)- There is the Giant of Loneliness (4)- There is the Giant of Guilt & Shame (5)- There is the Giant of Worry (6)- There is the Giant of Discouragement (7)- There is the Giant of Jealousy (8)- There is the Giant of Depression (9)- There is the Giant of Hopelessness (10)- There is the Giant of Bitterness (11)- There is the Giant of Pride (12)- There is the Giant of Selfishness (13)- There is the Giant of Doubt We can say that these things and many other things like these oppose God! You see, these things that I mentioned in and of them selves can distract us; detour us; and drain us of being everything God intends for us to be. Therefore it goes without saying - “Giants” that are before us must be slain and removed. I want you to understand something. It makes no difference who you think you are or how good of a Christian you may be or you want to be - - there are going to be times in your life when God will {appoint} you and {allow} you to face a ‘giant’. And you will not be able to move on in your Christian life until you confront that ‘giant’. David had set his mind and heart to Confront Goliath and Challenge Goliath. David had no doubt in his mind and no fear in his heart! If you are facing a ‘giant’ in your life, the only thing you can do is to put your faith in the God who can do all things. (1)- David Had To Overcome The Obstacle Of Cowardice. The whole army of Israel was cowards. (2)- David Had To Overcome The Obstacle Of Criticism. David’s brothers criticized him for coming to their camp. (3)- David Had To Overcome The Obstacle Of Concern. King Saul didn’t think that David had a chance. Think about this: David could not fight Goliath on the mountain, he had to go down into a valley in order to face and fight him. {17:3} (4)- Now David Has To Overcome The Obstacle Of A Champion! David was about to face the greatest challenge of his life. (He was prepared for this challenge.) David was not afraid nor did he hesitate about going out to meet Goliath. We are told that {17:48}- “David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.”
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 13:07:54 +0000

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