Fact # 9 : In 55, an ad in Life Magazine read, Science shows - TopicsExpress


Fact # 9 : In 55, an ad in Life Magazine read, Science shows how sugar can help keep your appetite and weight under control. The advertisement in Life Magazine actually had tag lines that read, Lose weight naturally, eat white sugar. Another slogan told another bold faced lie, When and how did all the nutritional lies start? Who perpetuated the myths that still trap minds today? Following WWI, America began a demographic shift from rural life on farms to the inner city life because the factories lured people into urban areas. The food supply began to morph into nutrient depleted, processed forms as science began revealing short cuts that would help foods of commerce widen profit margins. The food supply became mostly bleached, refined, sterilized, pasteurized, homogenized, hydrogenated, artificially flavored and colored, highly sugared and salted, synthetically fortified or enriched, canned, and full of man-made chemicals for longer shelf life, but shorter human life. Of course, myths had to be perpetuated to get the public to buy into everything, and not question the short or the long term detrimental effects to health and happiness. Each and every lie carried a slogan which advertised the synthetic food agent or the indulgences greatest weakness as its strength. It was reverse psychology at its best, and it worked. The FDA and federal courts issued gag orders on a man named Royal Lee and his lectures on nutrition, which included natural cures for cancer, but there were no restrictions whatsoever regarding ads that said smoking cigarettes and eating white sugar were good for you. Another horrible lie in the Life Magazine Ad read, It doesnt matter where the calories come from, steak or apple pie. They even included fabricated research information, According to a study at a leading university: When theyre blood sugar levels were elevated there was less sensation of hunger (In actuality, its just the opposite). Also, if that wasnt enough to win you over, you just needed to keep reading, And if you maintain your present weight, isnt it good to know that sugar helps to count your calories for you? In the early 1900s, the average American consumed only 12 pounds of sugar in a year. Now, according to USDA statistics, including high fructose consumption, that figure is over 150 pounds per person! Refined carbohydrates are a hidden source of sugar. These empty calories, consumed on a regular basis, leave the body without the materials it needs to maintain proper function, leading to chronic disease. Was this the sugar industrys ultimate goal since the 1950s? Are educated consumers beginning to wake up to the fact that the FDA, the CDC, and the commercial food industry in America purposely sicken United States citizens in order to profit from a useless healthcare industry, chock full of pharmaceuticals and toxic vaccines? Common sense and libraries full of research say yes. Sources Include: 1. drbriffa 2. scribd 3. naturalbias/how-sugar-can-ruin-your-life 4. naturalnews/009797.html 5. choosemyplate.gov 6. books.google
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 18:06:08 +0000

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