Fact trumps Tory fiction on the #RoadToRuin - TopicsExpress


Fact trumps Tory fiction on the #RoadToRuin ‘Twitterstorm’ You’ll be aware that David Cameron and the Conservative Party metaphorically shot themselves through the head with their very first appeal to the voters in advance of May’s General Election. Today (January 3) saw a mass movement on Twitter to get the facts of Conservative-led government across to the masses, using images and information to hammer home the realities. The impact was so great that the campaign’s hashtag, #RoadToRuin, did not just trend in the UK but also in the USA, with around 30,000 messages sent between 6pm and 7pm. That’s 500 every minute. Let’s have a look at some of them. We’ll start with the infographics: See link And here are some of the comments: Meals on wheels for elderly in 63% decline under coalition, analysis finds. gu/p/44hjt/tw Coalition’s VAT rate hike four years ago has cost families an average of £1,800 over four years. 1.5 million people on #RoadToRuin courtesy of the Work Programme. #RoadToRuin when NHS pay private care home thousands of pounds for two week bed but won’t pay for nursing funding for 95-year-old. Millions relying on foodbanks because Tories and FibDems put them on the #RoadToRuin. Tory policy of taking money from public purse into privaet hands is #RoadToRuin. They said they were “paying down our debts” but we know they haven’t. They said they have halved the deficit but they haven’t. 200,000 people waiting for first PIP assessment on the #RoadToRuin. Tories will bring more low pay more insecure employment weaker employment rights in return for tax cuts for the rich. 90,000 children homeless, millions of people reliant on food banks; Tories call that a recovery. 2.25 million sanctioned – wiped off statistics. 3.45 million children in poverty. 900,000 use foot banks. Political poverty creation. Rents and landlords need regulations. Rents are far too high and too many landlords are greedy and/or untrustworthy. Independent Pay Review recommendations for nurses pay ignored on the #RoadToRuin. 220,000 less meals on wheels served to vulnerable people in 2014 than 2010 because of Conservative cuts. Public sector workers didn’t cause greed-driven global banking crisis – that was bankers – who are still being rewarded today. Mervyn King says no-one to blame for financial meltdown. Tory fibbers blame previous government. After housing costs, 14.6 million (23.2 per cent UK population) in absolute poverty 2012-13, up 600,000. iaf.gd/lts If you think things are bad now, Osborne still has 60 per cent of his planned cuts to make. Govt doesn’t want public to challenge their policies in the Court of Human Rights so it wants to scrap Human Rights laws. UK government to sell Eurostar stake before general election. Selling off family silver is #RoadToRuin. Austerity is an excuse to shrink the state and sell off profitable public assets like Royal Mail leaving us on a #RoadToRuin. Iain Duncan Smith to accelerate benefit reforms to stop Labour reversing them fw.to/EM13uib Povery, hunger, foodbanks, privatisation of OUR NHS, zero-hours contracts, workfare, lies and broken promises! Two companies to run more than half of privatised probation services. #RoadToRuin or complete insanity? How many of these new jobs are low paid, don’t reach the tax threshold and have to be topped up by tax credits? David Cameron is taking UK down a #RoadToRuin by forcing fracking and removing landowners rights. The Tories scrapped rent controls for housing. The Conservatives must go because they can never admit they are wrong e.g. badger cull. They will keep us on the #RoadToRuin. Tories don’t care that we’re on the #RoadToRuin – they already have profitable consultancy positions lined up and the cuts won’t affect them. 400,000 children being taught by 17,000 unqualified teachers. Just not good enough. Failing our kids’ future. With 400 tankers going to every fracking well every road will be in ruins. Government is not properly regulating private companies and are allowing private companies to rip off public. If the Conservatives win in May, our NHS will be lost forever. If majjority of ‘jobs’ created are unpaid workfare, what happens to existing workforce competing against free labour? Children shouldn’t go to school hungry or go home knowing they won’t eat till the next day. David Cameron, shame on you. Tories like to keep us in a climate of fear and insecurity – makes their progress on the #RoadToRuin easier – that is, the road to OUR ruin. Most of us plebs aren’t too savvy when it comes to economic stats but we know by instinct we’re worse off and being lied to by government. For generations, people fought for a better world. Much of what they achieved has been undone in five years under the Conservatives. I wasn’t born at the start of the war yet I paid the war debt down. Why the rush down the #RoadToRuin to pay a debt so quickly? We have time. Bankers crippled the country. They got off. Decent people suffer. They are taking away the dignity of the disabled. Don’t become sick, disabled or old. You will be chucked out of Dave’s limo like a fag end discarded at the traffic lights. The last word – in this article – goes to Yr Obdt Srvt, because it’s important: Every Tory campaign statement is a step along the #RoadToRuin – let’s make sure they are ALL debunked as thoroughly as their first poster. voxpoliticalonline/2015/01/03/fact-trumps-tory-fiction-on-the-roadtoruin-twitterstorm/
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 03:06:33 +0000

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