Facts about Balochistan Baluchistan is home to the Baloch. Now - TopicsExpress


Facts about Balochistan Baluchistan is home to the Baloch. Now occupied Balochistan and is located between Persia and Khorasan Bashtonastan and Punjab and Sindh. From the south, is limited to a country Balochistan Sea and the Indian Ocean. Occupied Balochistan at the hands of the British colonial forces in 1839 after the army defeated Balochistan, then not having to Iran in the current format or to Pakistan. British colonial forces Department of Balochistan east and west of Balochistan in 1871 (line Goldsmith). So it was the northern part integrates with Afghanistan in 1893 (the Durand line). Declared the eastern part of Balochistan as a free and independent state after the Second World War, 11 August 1947. Occupied Balochistan in Iran, including the current Sistan and Baluchistan, county in the southern province of Kerman, 2/3 part of the coastal region and large parts of South Khorasan. Baluchistan in Iran, with an area of 247 700 square kilometers. This part of the occupied Balochistan by the Persian army in 1928 in collaboration with the British colonial forces. The northern part of Balochistan in Afghanistan. Nimroz province, and parts of Helmand and Farah province southern province belonging to Balochistan. The area of this part is much more than 80,000 square kilometers. This became part integrates with Afghanistan in 1893 as a result of the division of Balochistan (Durand line) by the British colonial forces As almost Balochistan ... 1600 km long coast of Komudan (Bandar Abbas) to Karachi. According to the international law of the sea in 1982 and the Sea covers an area of Balochistan (1600 km x 22 km), as well as 34200 square kilometers. Pakistan currently occupied Balochistan includes province Bloushsstan, and parts of Punjab and Sindh province Area: 437 190 square kilometers. This part of the occupied Balochistan by the Pakistani army in March 1948 The total area of Balochistan: ((247 700 +437,190 + 80000 + 34400) = 799 290 square kilometers Population Population: Baloch people in Balochistan on the verge. 20000000. The provinces population lives in Persia and Punjab, Turkmenistan, India, Kenya, Tanzania and the Arab states and Western countries nearly 700,000 individuals. The political situation: Punjabi army with intelligence agencies in Pakistan and the horse fanatics in Iran (Sepah Pasdaran, the Iranian intelligence services with local bands) and Afghan forces in Balochistan today. All of those in power have a common goal which is the extraction of natural resources and minerals in Balochistan. In order to reach this goal, they use brutal methods and policies against the Baloch people. The central government suppressed in Tehran, Islamabad and Kabul, and ignored Baloch over the decades. Baloch people have been deprived of the legitimate rights of confidentiality. People are discriminated against through employment, education, and public institutions in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Unemployment in Balochistan is more than 60%. Several thousands of individuals working in Sindh, India, Arab and European countries to support their families. Have long Quaomwamquaoma and Taarqua for democracy in all independent parts of Balochistan neighbor. Religion: 99 percent of the provinces population are Sunni Muslims. Since 1980 was a systematic attempt by the government to pay for Iranian religious power, Baluch and Shiites to convert (Khomeinis Shiite community). Major cities: Dozab (Zidane), Shala (Quetta), Kish, Kozdar the, بهرا (Iranshahr), Chasston (سراوان), snitch (Cash) and Zabul Gold, silver, copper, uranium, iron, zinc and marble, dolomite, gypsum, manganese, aluminum, granite, magnesium carbonate, lead, barite, بلوريت, building blocks and chromite, iron ore, limestone, onyx multiple, garnet, pumice stone, and glass sand (silica sand), sulfur, Gaussin Ajabirgit green, and brown agate, Erajoinet and garnet, amethyst, Coolers holder gold quartz, citrine, green and smoky quartz, Visovianetti Green, Aadokraz, garnet multicolor, Hirossber, chalcedony, Decorative stones, marble white, green marble, Chocolate of marble, Verona limestone, potassium, Verona, China, Burma teak, and the plane Verona, Titanite, Amethyst, Aabidoti, and Onatass.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:39:46 +0000

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