Facts that most people dont know about Hindus: - Hinduism is - TopicsExpress


Facts that most people dont know about Hindus: - Hinduism is the oldest still practised religion on earth, for many people, it is more than a religion, it is our way of life. - The Indus Valley is the oldest civilisation on earth, it is where the oral morals of the Vedas were written down for the dawn of Kali-Yuga over 5,000 years ago. - Hindus invented the modern numbering system, it dates back 5,000 years ago. It was given to the Arabs 1000 years ago, who gave it to the Europeans, and is now used internationally. - Hinduism is one of the few faiths that believe in many ways of reaching God, we believe no one has the same Dharma, everyone worships differently. - Vedic civilisation was the first to widely believe that the earth is round and revolves around the sun, and the moon revolves around earth. The Rig Veda even describes the 9 planets, that also revolve around the sun. - Hindu civilisation gave birth to many different types of Yogas, the most common being today, breathing, and exercise. - The Vedas and Bhagavad Gita preach the law of Karma. - Hindu civilisations mother language is Sanskrit. At its time, Sanskrit influenced almost all languages spoken at the time. Just 3000 years of, Persian comprised of 90% Sanskrit, so did the ancient Chinese language of the time. It has been shown Sanskrits influence went all the way from Arabia to Japan. - Hinduism influenced many countries before the rise of Western religions, most of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Sri Lanka, SE. Asia used to be Hindu, and Iranian culture was strongly influenced by it also. - Hindu deities go as far as Japan, Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, Shiva the destroyer, and Kuvera, the god of fortune are three of the seven Japanese gods considered to be lucky. Statues of Lord Ganesha have also been found in Japan. - The native tribes of the Philippines once followed Hinduism, and it still strongly influences them today, despite many invasions, some idols still remain. - Indonesia was once also a Hindu civilisation before the rise of Islam, the Champas were devotees of Lord Shiva. An ancient statue of Maa Lakshmi was just recently found in the Indonesian Sea. - Three other religions have originated from Hinduism - Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, these religions have strong Hindu influences in them. - Hindus were one of the only ones who offered the Jews refuge during World War II, and India is one of the only places that they havent been persecuted in since. - Hindus also gave refuge to many Zoroastrian immigrants who came from Persia to escape the Islamic empire, India is the only country with a significant Zoroastrian population that still allow them to worship freely. - Hindus are one out of two of the six major religions of the world who have not caused terrorism in a country that they are not a majority in. (the other being Buddhists.) - Hindus regard themselves as Sanatani, the follower of Sanatan Dharma. Sanatan means eternal, and Dharma is righteousness, morality, consciousness, and duty. The name Hindu was actually a derogatory term given by Afghan invaders for the people who lived by the Sindhu river, their tongue could not pronounce the S and named us Hindu.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 03:18:34 +0000

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