Failed Bomb Attack on Flight to USA An airplane in the USA has - TopicsExpress


Failed Bomb Attack on Flight to USA An airplane in the USA has survived a bomb attack. The bomber told police he was working for Al Qaeda. He tried to make a bomb on the airplane with a mix of powder and liquid chemicals. His bomb exploded but did not cause a lot of damage. Instead, he badly burnt one of his legs. Airports and airlines around the world are now on high alert. Al Qaeda has a history of attacking flights to and in the USA. The worst were the 9-11 attacks in 2001. Also in 2001, Briton Richard Reid tried to blow up a Paris-Miami flight using explosives hidden in his shoes. In 2006, police in Britain discovered a plan to bomb transatlantic flights using liquid bombs disguised as soft drinks. Vocabularies : bomb attack /bɑm əˈtæk/an act of trying to kill or injure somebody, using a weapon which is designed to explode at a particular timetấn công bằng bom An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this mornings bomb attack. Một nhóm khủng bố vô danh đã nhận trách nhiệm cho vụ đánh bom sáng nay. to work for somebody/something /tu wɜrk fɔr ˈsʌmˌbɑdi / ˈsʌmθɪŋ/to have a job, usually one that you are paid to dolàm việc cho ai/cái gì He works for an engineering company. Anh ấy làm cho một công ty cơ khí. to make a bomb /tu meɪk ə bɑm/to create a weapon that is designed to explode at a particular timechế tạo bom I promise this plutonium will not be used to make a bomb for Lybian terrorists. Tôi xin hứa chất hóa học Plu-tô-ni này sẽ không được dùng để chết tạo bom cho khủng bố ở Lybia. liquid chemical /ˈlɪkwɪd ˈkemɪk(ə)l/a substance that flows freely, is not a solid or a gasand is used in chemistrychất lỏng hóa học What is the most harmful liquid chemical. Chất lỏng hóa học nào có hại nhất? on high/full alert /ɔn haɪ / fʊl əˈlɜrt/a situation in which people are watching for danger and ready to deal with itở/trong tình trạng báo động khẩn (cấp) North Korea puts troops on high alert. Bắc Triều Tiên đặt quân đội trong tình trạng báo động khẩn cấp. history of something /ˈhɪst(ə)ri əv ˈsʌmθɪŋ/a record of something happening frequently in the past life of a person, family or place; the set of facts that are known about somebody’s past lifelịch sử về chuyện gì đó Do you know the history of the Union Jack? Bạn có biết lịch sử của lá quốc kỳ nước Anh không? to blow up /tu bloʊʌp/to explode; to be destroyed by an explosionnổ tung Why did the soldiers blow up all the bridges when they retreated? Tại sao những người lính cho nổ tất cả những cây cầu khi họ rút lui? transatlantic flight /ˌtrænsətˈlæntɪk flaɪt/the flight of an aircraft across the Atlantic Oceanchuyến bay vượt Đại Tây Dương His transatlantic flight would be delayed for a number of days because of bad weather. Chuyến bay vượt Đại Tây Dương bị hoãn lại trong vài ngày vì thời tiết xấu. to disguise as someone/something /tu dɪsˈɡaɪz æz ˈsʌmwʌn / ˈsʌmθɪŋ/to make changes in the way that someone looks so that other people will not recognize themcải trang thành ai đó/cái gì đó He disguised himself as a girl. Anh ta đã cải trang thành một cô con gái. plan to do something /plæn tu du ˈsʌmθɪŋ/a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you to achieve somethingkế hoạch/dự định làm gì đó He is considering a plan to build an assembly plant in Russia. Ông ta đang xem xét kế hoạch xây dựng một nhà máy lắp ráp ở Nga. P/S: Maybe the news is old but we can improve our vocabularies from them ^_^
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 23:42:39 +0000

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