Failed states; the abuse of power and the assault on democracy - TopicsExpress


Failed states; the abuse of power and the assault on democracy (2006) Presentation Transcript THE ABUSE OF POWER AND THE ASSAULT ON DEMOCRACY NOAM CHOMSKY METROPOLITAN BOOKS Henry Holt and Company I New York Contents Preface 1. Stark, DreadfuJ, Inescapable 2. Outlaw States 3. Illegal but Legitimate 4. Democracy Promotion Abcoad 5. Supporting Evidence: The Middle East 6. Democracy Peomotion at Home Afterword Notes Index 1 3 39 79 102 166 205 251 265 301 Preface The selection of issues that should rank high on the agenda of COllcem for human wdfarc and rights is, naturally, a subjective matter. But there are a few ..:hoices that seem unavoidable, because they bear so direcd), on the prospects for decent survival. Among them arc at teast these three: nucleaJ: war, environmental disa>u:r, and the fact rhcrrines nrc uftcII tlliled a douhlc standard. The term is ntisieadillR. It is mon° accurnte to dcscribe ,hem a� n sinv;lC standard. STARK, D R EA.DFUL, INESCAPAIILE 5 clear and unmistakable. the standard that Adam Smith called the vile maxim of the masters of mankind: ... All for ourselves, and nothing for qrher people. Much has changed since his day, but the vile maxim flourishes. The single standard is so deeply entrenched that it is beyond aware­ ness. Take ferror, the leading topic of the day. There is a straightfor­ ward single standard: rheir terror against us and our clients is the ultimate evil, while our [erwr against them does nor exist-or, if it does, i� entirdy appropriate. One clear illustration l.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 02:28:38 +0000

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