Failure Is Another Word For Course Correction By Brenda • July - TopicsExpress


Failure Is Another Word For Course Correction By Brenda • July 10, 2013 Print This Word of the Day Dreams and promises given by Me and not planted and nurtured in faith become like dry bones. Dry bones rob moisture from the environment around them. They take life instead of giving it. Dryness invades and creates hopelessness, which gives way to apathy and denial. Apathy and denial become ways to protect oneself from blame or more hopelessness. It is a vicious cycle. Denial is not the answer and it has never fixed anything. Eventually something comes up to disturb the thin shield it seems to provide. In spite of Peter’s denial, I still reigned supreme and his life gave glory to My name. So will yours. After all, I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:17). All things submitted to Me are transformed and changed. Even dead seeds, dreams and unbelief become soft clay in My capable hands. I use everything and I mean everything in your life. Once again My love, are there promises in your life you have neglected or forgotten? Have you looked at them and declared yourself incapable of doing what I have spoken or believed those desires you have for the ones you love cannot be? Of course they can be. They can be because I AM and because I love you. What other reason do you need? Beloved, I count you worthy and My grace is sufficient in your weakness—in your inability. In your weakness I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:9; 1 Corinthians 1:27) If this weren’t so I wouldn’t have given Myself as an offering for your life—or your purpose. Just remember, everyone has failed and fallen short of the glory of God at some time or another (Romans 3:22-24). Forgive yourself and others for today is a new day. Today is a day that dry bones become a living army. Have a change of heart based on My faithfulness. Yes, have My heart and you will embrace My perspective on failure. Failure is only a course correction. It is a sign saying, “Stop, yield and go My way.” Today is your day of resurrected course correction. Have faith, for I have gone before to order your steps (Proverbs 20:24)… Read Complete Love Letter… “This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:22-24 NIV) Prayer Lord, you are my dream maker…my dream fulfiller in every way. There is none like You. When my hope has become deferred, denial and apathy can become ways for me to escape looking at areas of struggle. Please forgive me for having a heart of apathy in any area of my life. Forgive me for thinking denial will somehow save me from having to deal with things…somehow save me from any pain. True to Your Word, You never quit working in my life and out of Your love, mercy and grace You allow things to come up and disturb my false sense of peace. Denial is indeed a thin and deceptive shield which solves absolutely nothing. This day, I choose to look to You…to look to Your resurrection power and might on my behalf. You are committed to seeing me through to victory and gave the ultimate cost to do so. I must not treat what you have done lightly. You are right. I can do nothing myself. All must be done by Your Spirit in order to really overcome. You care for me and those I love. All is possible with you. Therefore, I receive Your grace today and come into agreement with Your Word. You are sufficient in my weakness…in my inability. I release all my failures…in all my failures in the areas of my most consistent struggles. I declare I am an overcomer and You have put me on the right course. I yield and go Your way. Thank you for going before me to order my steps. Lead and I will follow. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 15:30:02 +0000

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