Failure has more to do with your predisposition to it than for - TopicsExpress


Failure has more to do with your predisposition to it than for anything other reason. Its like two people puffing on a cigarette; one will never puff again, while the other one is addicted until the day they die. One has a predisposition to get hooked, the other one didnt. Each of us has a predisposition for failure, but we dont know what it is or how to understand it. One person could fail over and over again, yet still keep pushing until they get eventual success. Another person hits one setback and thats it for them. They never try again. The good news is, you can become aware of your predisposition for failure and work on changing. The BEST way to do that is to get help. Changing your own predisposition is like trying to stick your elbow in your ear. Someone has to be skilled enough to identify your predisposition and help you to overcome it. Your predisposition consists of 5 things: 1. How you were raised 2. How you were educated 3. How you were trained emotionally on how to handle failure 4. Your self esteem/self belief 5. Your daily word habits (i.e. what you say to yourself) I coach people all the time who are struggling to make money in their business and without fail they all think its because they need more marketing training. I can give them marketing training until Im blue in the face, but if deep down inside their fear of failing raises up emotions that cause them to doubt or hesitate, THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM. So one persons predisposition is so strong that it may take them 2 years to break through all of the issues, while someone else may only need 6 months. If youve been struggling year after year and cant figure out why you have so much knowledge, talent and skill but still cant pull it together, your predisposition for failure is one of the likely culprits. Get help. Stop the cycle. Reach out to someone who you believe can help you. Dont let another month or year tick by stuck in the same place. ***IT TOOK ME 15 YEARS TO FIX MY BROKENNESS*** - most of that is because I didnt have help. One on one help that is. Id read all the books, attended all the events, listened to all the audios. It wasnt until I got with Cedrick Harris that I was able to begin fixing the problem. Then God brought in guys like Myron Golden and Chris Davis who could see me and help me see myself. You need to be revealed to yourself, but when you are be prepared for some PAIN to take place. Change is painful. Facing your fears is painful. NO PAIN. NO GAIN. Please find yourself a coach or mentor today. Its the real shortcut youve been looking for. Larry Beacham
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:48:33 +0000

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