Fairy Tale and Marriage* To all ladies... this is for you! - TopicsExpress


Fairy Tale and Marriage* To all ladies... this is for you! (Brothers, you may need it as well) ---- Sisters, do you have an imagination that is built in your mind on how your marriage life should be? Ah, come on. I was single and I know we, ladies are very good in this. We might have that pictures in our head on how our marriage life should be. And most of the times -- they are somehow *quite* unrealistic, yeah but who cares Ive seen there are poems made by some single sisters about how they want their future husband to be. • I want you to wake me up for Tahajjud • I want you to be the Imam of my prayers • I want you to use my fingers whilst making tasbeeh • I want you to surprise me with *breakfast that you cook* on our bed. Yes and the list goes on. (Brothers dont be panic. Yes it may sound too much but please bear with it) My dear sisters, trust me I was like you. With little hopes in my heart. Hoping that my marriage life is as beautiful as I have imagined. But the reality is -- its not! I remember when we first married, things seems *wow*. But as day passed by, I began to feel... is this going well? Personally, Im a romantic person *cough*. I remember how I would prepare our food and designed it to be in the shape of heart. And when I presented it to him, he just recited duaa and ate without noticing that beautiful decoration Ive made. I was like huh? And there are few other things that really makes me feel --May be he dont love me? Is he truly the one for me? I was quite heart broken. I began to feel that my *disney fairytale-marriage* was just an illusion. So I spoke to the best person about my dilemma -- my sister. I sent her a message, My husband isnt a romantic person. Im sad A few minutes later she replied. She responded my message with a quite lengthy message and I think I must pass it to all of you (single ladies, you may take note). Shams, marriage isnt what you want it to be, but rather what you create it to be. You cant expect everything to be perfect. You both are not a movie character that everything has be perfect - its fake! Men are not the same. There are some romantic man. There are some men who are less romantic, and there are some who are not romantic at all. But dont be sad. Romantic isnt in the gene. Its a character which can be built. But what I would like to tell you is, rather than complaining of his imperfection why dont you see the positive side? Be a good observer. There must be something special in him that you dont pay attention much. My advice is, put aside your imagination and stop comparing him with our father (my father is a very romantic person). And no matter how much he give you - little or a lot, you must be yourself by giving the best from your side. If he isnt a romantic person, it shouldnt stop you from being one. All the best! ---- I realized my mistake. I told myself that I have to change. So, I begin to expect-less and I give my best regardless what. I also try to observe every little things he do. For few days, I was on research-mode. Observing and studying his behavior and personality. What I found? Whenever my husband at home, he is the one who wakes me up for Tahajjud - He never complained even the food tastes so bad - He will not eat until I sit and eat together with him - Everytime I recite the Quran, he shall pause his doings and listen to my recitation and correct whenever I made a mistake - the list go on (I dont want to make you jealous, just kidding!) When I noticed all this, it really made me realized how much he does actually care for me. So I messaged my sister with teary eyes and told her about this. She said, youre blessed. Im married for ten years and there are some that Ive never experienced. So I want to tell you that, it is not wrong to have some imagination but dont let these imagination rules you. Marriage is more than what we do think actually. For me, marriage is like a coloring book. The more effort you put, the better the outcome is. Marriage comes plain, you color and decorate it with your choice of colors. So my dear sisters, we must always remember that our spouse is a gift from Allāh - Himself. And Allāh never made mistakes. The man you marry, is the best for you. And on top of that, keep making duaa. The duaa shouldnt be stop once you got married, rather it should be more. Ask Allah to make your spouse to love you, each and everyday. I like the story of Prophet Sal Allāhu Alaihi wa Sallam and Aisha r.a on how they use code to describe their love *this is way too romantic*. Aisha would ask the Prophet (peace be upon him, how strong is the knot? Knot here is a code to refer the love. And we all know Prophet was a romantic man, and his answered not only melt Aisha r.a but all of us - where he answered, its still as before (means the love is still as pure and strong as before). Alhamudulilah!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 15:45:53 +0000

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