Faisal:- The essential nature is a real personality. It is made - TopicsExpress


Faisal:- The essential nature is a real personality. It is made of many beautiful qualities, such as love, joy, clarity, strength, warmth, excitement, freedom. It is a being. And this being is made of very precious elements. Those elements we call ‘Essence’. Those qualities have texture, have colour, they are not energy, they are the source of energy. They are real substances that you can feel, which has more texture to it, more substance to it. Bo And essence is something we are born with? Faisal Essence is something we are born with; essence is our true nature. When people talk about true nature, they talk most of the time about the basic nature that is so simple and that is not differentiated and is just simplicity itself, a bit like the enlightened nature, which is very simple. For me the essential nature has the potential to be differentiated in so many qualities, but most of the time in spirituality people talk about this Buddha-nature, the true nature, and talk very little about how it differentiates itself. You see, the basic nature is just like the ocean from which the fish come, and the coral come from this basic nature. This basic nature differentiates itself in many qualities and those qualities, as we say, they are substances. Some of them are very delicate, some of them are very dense, some of them are very hard, like rocks. And for the seer it is even possible see their colours. You can see they have different colours. Some shine like silver, some shine like white gold, some like gold, some like amber, some like water, some like diamonds, some like pearls. These are qualities of pure nature that are not 100 percent Absolute, but is differentiated from the Absolute nature. Each one provides something for us. That is very important. One quality gives you the capacity of feeling grounded, feeling solid, feeling confident, another quality gives you the energy of vitality, strength, playfulness, another quality of the tenderness, there are many qualities.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:27:55 +0000

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