Faith, Gotta Have It: A Lot To Give Up “You cannot serve God - TopicsExpress


Faith, Gotta Have It: A Lot To Give Up “You cannot serve God and mammon.” Luke 16:13 Exodus 2:11-15; Hebrews 11:24 We’re talking about the conflicts of faith from the life of Moses’ Today I want you to see that living by faith means rejecting the world’s identity. Moses’ faith got him into conflict right off. The writer of Hebrews says that when the time came to make a choice, Moses rejected his adopted identity. Now this is very significant. We know from Exodus that he is forty years old. He’s in the full bloom of manhood, ready to take over. Plus Pharaoh has let Moses know he wants him to be his successor. Basically Moses is prince waiting to be king. So now he is faced with a cataclysmic decision: “Am to give up this incredible prestige?” As the next Pharaoh, Moses would be the most powerful man in the world. A third question Moses has to ask is, “Am I willing to give up incredible money, honey?” He’s living in the king’s palace. He’s got servants waiting on him, but he has a conflict on his hands, because what they want from him is a total commitment to Egypt. So now Moses is facing the choice you and I face every day of our lives…if not on the same grand scale, which is, will we sell our souls to this world order because it offers us, prestige, power, and money? Today, we have a large amount of people who have said yes to this proposition. You must under stand, if you choose to called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, God then chooses not to identify with you as his son. Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, it wasn’t just that he didn’t want anyone calling him Junior. It meant he was renouncing all association and identification with Pharaoh and his rule. What does this mean for you today? Just this: if you are going to gain God, you must give up allegiance to this world order. You cannot be Pharaoh’s child and God’s child at the same time. You must make a choice. When prestige, power, and money become the driving force in your life, you’ve become a child of Pharaoh, and you’ve negated being a child of God. Posted by David Coleman of The DC Ministry “Sharing The Gospel.”
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:12:01 +0000

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