Faith Of The Fathers They believed: One, that a Son of Eve - TopicsExpress


Faith Of The Fathers They believed: One, that a Son of Eve would take away the sin and evil of the world; Two, that until the sin-power was subdued there would be perpetual strife between followers of Eves Son and followers of sin; Three, that in this war the Son of the woman and his allies would suffer much adversity and be temporarily overcome, but afterward they would conquer all their foes; Four, that Eves Son would descend from Abraham in the line of Isaac, Jacob, and Judah; Five, that Abrahams descendants in the line of Jacob would become “a great and mighty nation” and when this came to pass Abrahams name would be great in all the Earth; Six, that all nations would be blessed in a social, ecclesiastical, and civil sense in Abraham and his Seed (the Christ or Anointed One); Seven, that this person, the hope of Abrahams family, would possess the gate of his enemies, that is, gain victory over them; Eight, that Christ would possess the land of Canaan from the Euphrates to the Nile forever and therefore be immortal; Nine, that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would also possess Canaan with Christ forever; Ten, that Abraham was constituted the father of nations, and with his sons (Christ and his brethren) would “inherit the world.” This fact was memorialized by changing his name from Abram to Abraham; Eleven, that kings would descend from Abraham in the line of Judah, and the twelve tribes would therefore constitute a Kingdom in the land of Canaan, of which Judah would be the royal tribe; Twelve, that through Judah, as the lion of Israel, their enemies would be subdued; Thirteen, that “the Shepherd and Stone of Israel” would be a Son of Judah and Son of God, and also the Lawgiver and King of all nations to the uttermost bounds of the everlasting hills; Fourteen, that Christ would be slain by the tribe of Levi in line with the parable of Isaac; Fifteen, that since Christ and Abraham are to inherit the land of Canaan forever, they must rise from the dead to possess it, and the same thing must occur in the case of any others who will also inherit with them; Sixteen, that after his resurrection and exaltation to power and dominion, ten tribes of Christs brethren after the flesh would go down into Egypt a second time, and after he met them there he would make himself known to them, receive their humble and sincere submission, and (it may be added) like another Moses and Joshua in one person, lead them out of Egypt and plant them in the land of Canaan; Seventeen, that to share in this glorious end would be the reward of the righteousness accounted to those who believed the things promised; and Eighteen, that every person to whom this righteousness is reckoned must be circumcised or else be cut off from his people. Thus, circumcision became the token of the covenant of promise and the seal of righteousness by faith. In the exposition of the things of the Kingdom revealed in “the promises God made to the fathers” the following points have been clearly established: One, that the territory of Shilohs Kingdom is not beyond the skies, but all the land of Canaan from the Euphrates to the Nile, and from the Gulf of Persia and Red Sea to the Mediterranean; Two, that the twelve tribes of Israel are the natural born subjects of the Kingdom; Three, that the Christ from the line of Judah is its King; Four, that those having the same faith and disposition as Abraham and walking in the steps of his faith are joint inheritors with the King. In other words, they are the aristocracy and will share in the glory, honor, power, and blessedness of the Kingdom forever; and Five, that all nations will be subject to this Kingdom and constitute its empire. JT, Elpis Israel
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 18:28:24 +0000

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