Faith Sets God’s Plan In Motion * You can watch the video - TopicsExpress


Faith Sets God’s Plan In Motion * You can watch the video versioin of this message at https://vimeo/108220475. This morning we continue our series, “Grace that is Simply Amazing” by continuing with our mini-series entitled, “Grace Based Success (Prosperity)”. Yesterday we ended off with God enabling Joseph to supernaturally interpret both of Pharaoh’s dreams. Joseph did not stop there. The power of God was flowing so mightily through Joseph that he was able to devise a plan -- on the spot -- for how to deal with the impending famine. This is what God said through Joseph: “So, Pharaoh, you should choose a wise, intelligent man and put him in charge of Egypt. Then you should choose other men to collect food from the people. During the seven good years, the people must give them one-fifth of all the food they grow. In this way these men will collect all the food during the seven good years and store it in the cities until it is needed. Pharaoh, this food will be under your control. Then during the seven years of hunger, there will be food for the country of Egypt. And Egypt will not be destroyed by the famine.” This seemed like a very good idea to Pharaoh, and all his officials agreed. Then Pharaoh told them, “I don’t think we can find anyone better than Joseph to take this job! God’s Spirit is in him, making him very wise!” So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “God showed these things to you, so you must be the wisest man. I will put you in charge of my country, and the people will obey all your commands. I will be the only one more powerful than you.” (see Gen 41:33-40) So what does this mean to you today? A few things: 1. God can give you supernatural wisdom. Pharaoh had access the most educated people in the world at the time, but he wound up saying that no one he had was as qualified as Joseph. Joseph was operating in supernatural wisdom. a) Without taking any time to process the information Pharaoh provided, without standing up a team to study the problem, and without forming a working group to develop courses of action, Joseph stood in front of the king and his royal staff and he clearly articulated a divine plan that he downloaded from heaven on the spot. Guess what? God can do the same for you! b) God can give you divine revelation, in a moment, that far exceeds anything you could have ever processed or developed with your education. 2. God can give you favor. After only knowing Joseph for a few minutes Pharaoh called him “very wise” and “the wisest man.” So the king put Joseph in charge of the entire country. a) Pharaoh was no fool and he did not have a track record of making poor decisions. No king in his right mind would give a prisoner the “keys” to his kingdom after just meeting him. But the favor of God will cause people to bless you without them even knowing why they are doing it. They will say things like, “I don’t normally do this”, or “I don’t know why I am doing this”. b) The favor of God caused Pharaoh to promote Joseph from prisoner to Prime Minister on the spot. Joseph did not work for it, this was clearly unmerited favor (grace). That same favor/grace is available to you! 3. God is looking for your faith. None of this would have happened had Joseph cowered under the pressure in fear. Fear is an incapacitating force. Fear cancels faith and faith cancels fear. Joseph had to operate in faith (confidence in God) to set God’s plan in motion. a) Faith agrees with God. b) Faith accepts and surrenders to God’s will. c) Faith says “Yes” to God, no matter how big the challenge is. d) Faith is human willingness to believe and express confidence in a limitless God. e) Faith is how humans tap into God’s grace to manifest the supernatural. We will stop here for today and talk more about this tomorrow. Closing Confession: Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your grace and my requirement to live by faith. You said in Your Word that if any of us lacked wisdom that we should ask it of You. So Father, I ask, in faith, for Your wisdom concerning everything I must get done today. You enable me to walk in supernatural insight. You are able to give me divine revelation. You can give me answers by revelation, to problems I cannot solve with my education. You can bless me to download something from heaven and that will revolutionize my workplace. So Father, I ask You for that type of wisdom and I believe I receive it today and every day. I also thank You For Your divine favor. I have favor with God and man. You raise up people who use their power, their ability, and their influence to help me in ways I cannot help myself; even when they do not know why they are helping me. I release my faith to bring these things to pass. My faith is the trigger that sets Your plan in motion. My faith accesses Your grace for the supernatural. I am the just and I live by faith. Not because I am earning Your blessing or because I deserve Your favor. No, You bless me by Your unearned grace and I seek to access Your grace with my faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen. This is Today’s Word! Apply it and Prosper.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:01:11 +0000

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