Faith Statement of the 119 Ministries I share We Believe: - TopicsExpress


Faith Statement of the 119 Ministries I share We Believe: God is the Word and He is One God (Yahweh) created all things by the Word and all creation is subject to the Word. In the garden everything was good until man violated an instruction of Yahweh and thus sin entered the world. Sin is defined as breaking the law (instructions) of God. All Scripture (Word) is instructions in righteousness. All Scripture (Word) is still true and nothing has been abolished. Gods law (Torah) is simply His instructions for all men. Sin infected and affected all of creation, in the sense that all of creation was introduced to the curse. That curse from sin is the punishment of death. This is also taught by Paul as the law of sin and death, the same law that believers are no longer under through grace by faith. Yeshua (Jesus) arrived as the Word made flesh, and perfectly practiced Yahwehs instructions (Torah). Yahweh (YHWH/God) is the Word and the Word became flesh as Yeshua. The fullness of God dwells in Yeshua. We believe that Yeshua was sent from the Father, and practiced the Word of God perfectly, thus being the Son of God, and same image or reflection of the Father. In this Yeshua satisfied two purposes of coming which was (1) to be a prophet like unto Moses and teach us (as opposed to destroying) the correct interpretation (fulfill the meaning) of Yahwehs law and (2) to qualify Himself as the perfect (sinless) sacrifice for our sins and nullify the law of sin and death, by accepting the punishment of our sin on our behalf. Yeshua basically means Salvation in Hebrew. Through transliterations from Aramaic/Hebrew to Greek to Latin to Old English to modern English, He is now often known as Jesus. Because of this, the unfortunate reality is that many do not know His name nor the meaning of His name. It is our preference to use His real name that carries its intended meaning of Yahweh is Salvation. We are not offended at the transliterated name of Jesus. We often insert Jesus in parentheses to help the audience connect His real name of Yahoshua/Yeshua back to Jesus. The same applies for God (elohim). YHWH (Yahweh) is the name given to us in His Word as the name of God. It is our preference to use His name as it was also YHWHs preference to use His name in the Word of God. Depending on the audience we expect to gravitate to a particular teaching, we incorporate Hebrew to the extent that is expected to be receptive by that audience. We place much value on the Hebrew language and His name, yet also realize that many using our teachings might not be in the same place just yet. Yeshuas sacrifice is the only means of salvation from the law of sin and death. Salvation is by grace alone through faith. Faith is an inward heart (desire) transformation to commit, trust, and believe in His Word (Yahweh) and the Word made flesh (Yeshua), instead of placing our faith and trust in ourselves and the world. We believe that if you really believe, commit, and trust (faith) in the Word, that whatever you believe (inward) will manifest itself in your behavior (outward). A successful inward transformation of our heart (desire) as faith will always manifest outwardly as obedience to the Word (Yahweh). Thus we are obedient because of our faith which leads to salvation, not vice versa. We believe that faith without works is dead (faith is not real without works as our evidence of our faith). We believe His people are obedient to His Word because of salvation, not to earn salvation. We believe Yeshua is to be our example on how to walk the Word, as opposed to using Yeshua as an excuse for declaring some of the Word is destroyed or made void. In our faith we all occasionally fail (sin) in our walk however we are covered by grace in all such instances. A true believer will consistently seek and delight in obedience and avoid disobedience. Our obedience (not sinning) to His Law is rewarded as blessings. Our crowns and rewards at the Bema Seat Judgment will directly relate to our practice and obedience of His Word. Yahwehs grace is evidence of His love for us. We are to love God (Yahweh) with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and we do this by seeking and keeping His commandments. The Holy Spirit is deposited in believers in faith through grace to cause us to walk in obedience to the law and to teach us all things in His Word. Our obedience is the evidence and substance of our faith. We believe that a believer should indeed focus on Yahwehs love for us (grace), but that a believer (in response) should also focus on loving Yahweh back (obedience). Another purpose of Yeshua was to begin calling back the scattered 10 tribes of Israel that were divorced, scattered, and became Gentiles. Yeshua will return to reign as king for 1000 years.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 07:37:12 +0000

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