Faith...a simple, small 5 letter word, that stands alone.And it is - TopicsExpress


Faith...a simple, small 5 letter word, that stands alone.And it is the most misunderstood word in all the world.What do you think faith is...or better yet..what is the kind of faith that you have in your life? aaaand how do you use it...or do you use it? Faith has many meanings...but only means one thing. What role does it play in your life?..or does it not play any role in your life? What is faith to you...and do you have faith? I dont mean the blind faith that we have such as our hearts will always keep beating, we will always breathe,our eyes will always blink..those kind of faiths are relative...the expectations that can only come if you have the faith that require, is he kind of faith Im talking about. Ill tell you of my definition of faith and how I use or live it after you guys get a shot out of it.This a nobody is right or nobody is wrong kind of question...just to better understand what faith means to each of us...and do we use in our dailey lives...or just use it when you need it...or not use it at all because it doesnt exist....who wants to be first??? Like · · Share · Stop Notifications · Promote. Jane Ivey, Terry Childers and Jean Stroud Howard like this. . Shahriar Nazerian for me, faith is to melt into god. faith is to consider god as the mainstream and spring of existance. faith is to accept that nothing is equal or greater than him. faith is to pray god as he deserves not as we desire him to be.. faith to accept god as...See More November 18 at 7:28am via mobile · Like · 1 .. Jane Ivey To me FAITH is to let go---and let God. We have a desire in us to want to straighten things out ourself - things that we have NO control over - God will take care of it and we know that but we let satan take us over and we continue to try to do it ou...See More November 18 at 11:52am · Like · 1 .. Shahriar Nazerian please let us koow your briliant idea as well dear amoo charlie! please! 3 hours ago via mobile · Like .. I was really pleased with everyones answer.There is not a wrong answer in the bunch.The thing that I love about Jesus when He is teaching someone, He never speaks with lofty words that goes over the head of the one He is teaching...and I love it when the Pharisees try to trap Him with their so-called knowledge of the Oral Law.The Sadducees were the Judges or the experts in the written law, and the Pharisees were the Judges or experts in the oral law (think of a lawyers job and that of the judge, you cant have one without the other).But when the Pharisees would try to trap Jesus they used arguments that the unlearned person did not understand and that is what the Pharisees were counting on.but Jesus when He answered them, He used either parables or stories or simple phrases that the simple people could understand, thereby exposing the simple people what was going on.But here also is a crux for us.We are more intelligent because of schooling than the average person of 2000 years ago.So we, like the Pharisees, miss many points that Jesus was trying the teach the simple person while trapping the Pharisees in their own trap.But we think and read and write like someone that is advanced by 2000 years of knowledge and we therefore miss out on a lot that Jesus taught because we are too knowledge aware. What I am trying to say...when you see what Jesus is saying..listen or read with 2000 year ago knowledge.Take away internet, TV, radio, CDs,Tapes..all the modern day trappings that keep us rooted to thinking modern day.He does have the same message for us today as He did for the people a long time ago,but we have been influenced by our education and all the instant news coverages from all over the world in an instant.Back then they had none of those it could take days, weeks or months...sometimes even years to get the news of what was happening to other peoples from different countries.And it was usually verbal messages...sometimes written messages but mostly by word of mouth.And you can tell ten different people that a dark colored man, riding on a white horse, pulling a red wagon, that was wearing a tan tunic came into town with some gold coins and copper coins to buy a camel.By the time it travels over the countryside, and it goes from mouth to mouth you could end up hearing that a white man wearing a red tunic,pulling a blue wagon with a golden colored horse came into town loaded down with gold, wanting to buy the best oxen and he had jewels embedded in his ears and nose. And that even happens when you had messages that were written, the story didnt change much.But if you couldnt read. it did you no good until you found someone who could read...and then you were at his mercy to be honest about what he was reading to you.Many deceived the people if they saw the advantage to tell lies and prosper from those who couldnt read.The true believers went to great pains to copy down any manuscript or letters or episitles that came to them...but even so...there was a Judas here and there who mucked up the works.When it was works that are from God you had one writer and three overseers.He wrote on animal skins or parchment from making paper out of reeds.You did not waste a single page.He would write, his overseer would check him out, while the two other overseers were checking out what the overseer was doing.If it was scripture, you could make no more than three matter how many months you have been writing on the scriptures.If you made more than three mistakes...they would burn your work..kill you and your family, and the overseer and his family.The they would get anther writer, and the second overseer would now be watching you.It was considered being at work for God, God makes no mistakes, and if you value your life, you dont either...especially with an overseer watching over your shoulder all the time...because he didnt want to be killed or his family.You had all the time in the world to do your job of copying the manuscript or letter or you took your time if you valued you and your families life.They would use any number up to 70 writers at a time because they did not have carbon paper or copying machines and they had churches in many provinces or towns that needed their own copy to teach the believers bwhat the Apostles and disciples were teaching.When Christians were caught the first thing they hid were their manuscripts because that is the first thing that they would burn when they caught you.So you life was worth less that the manuscripts that were in your possession.Imagine shooting the newspaper boys now days...and that what they did.I know this is a long response...but if you didnt know certain lose a lot of somethings worth.Now I will get to the answers about faith.....about time huh? 2 hours ago · Like ..
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 09:50:23 +0000

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