Faith and Works By Dr. Max D. Younce 0019 Question Why - TopicsExpress


Faith and Works By Dr. Max D. Younce 0019 Question Why does the Book of James seem to contradict the Book of Romans? In James 2, the Bible says faith without works is dead; while Romans 4 says a person is justified by faith without works. What is the answer? Answer The answer is really very simple, when you remember two basic principles. First, is our justification in God’s eyes; that is our salvation, given to us as a free gift which is accepted by faith and faith alone (Ephesians 2:8,9). Second is our justification in mans eyes. A Christian may talk about his faith; but, if his life does not reflect what he says, very few will believe him and all of his talk will fall on dead ears. This is what James 2 is speaking about. Both James and Romans use Abraham as an illustration; but, if you notice carefully, they refer to different times in Abrahams life. Notice Romans 4:3: For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. This refers back to Genesis 15:6 when Abraham believed the promises God had made to him. Here is the record. And he (Abraham) believed in the LORD; and he (God) counted it to him for righteousness. This is our salvation, our justification or righteousness, which is given to us when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Romans 4:5 makes it perfectly clear--salvation is by faith and not of works. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted unto him for righteousness. No amount of good works will ever save us (Isaiah 64:6) and no amount of good works will ever keep us saved; since we were not saved by good works to begin with. (Titus 3:5). Back to James, which is emphasizing our testimony for the Lord. This is our justification before man. Only when our life backs up our words will people justify what we say as being true. If a Christian has only the talk and not the walk, his words will only fall on deaf ears. James states this in 2:17,18: Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. Notice carefully, James says I will shew thee my faith by my works. The thee is another person--not God. People will only justify what we say if they can see it in our lives. Abraham. James is referring to Abraham years after he was saved, when his faith was being tested with the offering up of his only son, Isaac. Here is the record in James 2:2. Was not Abraham our father justified by works (in mans eyes), when he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar. James refers to Abrahams testing as recorded in Genesis 22, many years after his salvation as mentioned in Genesis 15:6 and Romans 4:3. Genesis 22:3,5 tells us there were two men with Abraham, witnessing whether Abraham would obey God or not. No doubt, over the years in Abrahams life from Genesis 15:6 to Genesis 22, he had talked of his faith in the great and marvelous promises God had made to him. If Abraham had failed to obey God in Genesis 22, all of his talk about faith would have fallen on deaf ears to those who were watching. These men were satisfied and Abraham justified in their eyes, because Abraham walked what he talked! The key, Romans 4 is speaking about justification in Gods eyes--salvation. James is speaking about the Christians justification in mans eyes--service or obedience. If you want others to believe what you say, your walk must be in harmony with your talk. On this same line of distinction between salvation and service, is the distinction between two kinds of rests and two kinds of peace a Christian may experience. TWO RESTS. In Matthew 11:28 we have the first word of the sentence, Come. This is for salvation and the rest is to anyone who will receive it. In Verse 29, the first word of the verse is Take. This is our service to the Lord, involving another rest which is experienced by being obedient. Salvation. Matthew 11:28, Come, no good works--just come by faith. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. This is the rest of knowing you are saved and have eternal life. (John 3:16 and I John 5:13). Service. Matthew 11:29,30. Take my yoke, service and work. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find REST unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. This is an additional rest experienced by the Christians who are doing their best in using their lives for the glory of the Lord. For additional study you may want to check Romans 5: 1 where PEACE WITH GOD is spoken of concerning salvation. Cornpare this with the PEACE OF GOD, or our service to the Lord, as found in Philippians 4:5-7.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 12:08:55 +0000

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