Faith update: Faith had surgery on Friday to remove the huge mass - TopicsExpress


Faith update: Faith had surgery on Friday to remove the huge mass on her side and a smaller lump on her back. The needle aspirate taken prior to surgery indicated that the huge mass was a mast cell tumor and the smaller lump appears to be fatty tissue. We wont know for certain until the biopsy results come back next week. Prior to surgery we also knew that something was causing Faith to be anemic and lose blood. The vets thought that it could have been a stomach ulcer, possibly caused by the mast cell. However, when they went inside to spay her and checked her stomach, they felt 3 very hard objects. These objects were 3 corn cobs that had to be removed. Two were about an inch long, the 3rd was about 1/2 inch. We dont know when and where she ate these, but they had to come out. Faith had a tough surgery yesterday that lasted for several hours. She was doing okay this morning, but some of her key levels came down early this afternoon. Vets ran some additional tests and another ultrasound. They gave her a blood transfusion. She is doing better now, but not totally out of the woods. The great news is that she ate, an excellent sign. She was still receiving blood when these photos were taken. She was happy to see a visitor and wagged her little nub and gave kisses. We hope Faith will be released on Monday. Please continue to send good thoughts and prayers for her and donate towards her surgery every $ truly counts! Thank you SO very much to everyone who has donated so far, we could not do this without you
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 01:51:54 +0000

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