Faith versus Fear (sermon for 29 September 2013): Christians have - TopicsExpress


Faith versus Fear (sermon for 29 September 2013): Christians have this expectation that because we became children of God through Christ, we should not face trials and tribulations. And we get somewhat upset with God (been there, done that) when we find out that our faith will get tested (1 Peter 1:7). Yet Scripture tells us that exactly because we belong to Christ we will face hardship and persecution. This warrants a closer look at both faith and fear, to see what Scripture says on the subject of faith and fear to correct our thinking. Please note that Scripture says a lot more on both subjects than I’m going to share with you today, but I think in the present circumstances this is a good start. Heb 11:1 tells us that faith if the hope of things not yet seen. This simply means that we believe God’s promises for us, even though it has not come to pass in our lives yet. From experience I can tell you that when God makes us promises for our lives, fear and doubt can set in when we don’t see the promise become reality as soon as we would like. From personal experience I can tell you that when God makes a promise, things often get a lot worse first, giving the appearance that the promise is a lie, that we heard wrong or simply impossible. The emotion of fear is a biological signal that our life or life quality is under threat. You deal with that by simply making a decision (have a plan of action) to have the need met. Different kinds of demonic spirits also assail us with fear to destroy our faith: • The Spirit of Fear – 2 Tim 1:7 says that a spirit of fear is not of God, but love, power and a sound mind is. The Spirit of Fear causes fear, fear of death, chronic worry, anxiety and nightmares amongst other things. Gal 5:22 says faith is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, so if your faith is wavering realise that a spirit of fear has gained a foothold in your heart and mind. • Seducing Spirits – 1 Tim 4:1 says these spirits can make us depart from our faith. How? One way would be to make our own plans and settle for second best (like Sarah encouraging Abraham to have Ishmael with Hagar instead of waiting for Isaac according to the Lords promise because it seemed impossible to them). • The Spirit of Bondage – Rom 8:15 says that God’s spirit sets us free of bondage and adopts us as children of God. The inverse is also true: that the Spirit of Bondage will try to enslave you again by making you doubt that God’s promise apply to you or even make you question that you are His child. (Spirits of Lies and Deception also come into play). How do we counter these attacks on our faith and overcome fear? • Hold fast to the Word of God (both written and spoken): o Rom 10:17 – faith comes from hearing the word of God. So immerse yourself in His Word. o Rom 12:3 – view yourself according to the measure of faith God granted you. So stand on the promises and prophecies God has spoken for your life. o Rom 12:6 – we prophesy according to our proportion of faith, so speak life over your life by claiming God’s promises for you. o 1 Cor 12:9 – faith establishes one in the power of God. o 2 Cor 1:24 – we stand by faith, so without faith you will fall to temptation and sin. o 2 Cor 5:7 – we walk by faith, not by sight. So keep your focus on God, especially when your life seems to be falling apart around you. o 1 Thes 1:3: faith is a breastplate against enemy attacks. You activate this protection by choosing to believe God’s Word and standing on truth. o 2 Thes 1:4: faith during persecution and tribulation helps us endure. o 1 Tim 6:12 – we are called to fight the good fight to achieve eternal life. o Heb 10:23 – hold fast in faith, because the one who made us promise re future is faithful. • Pray, claiming God’s promises for your life and giving thanks for it. Repent of fear. And ask the Lord to increase your faith and anointing with the Holy Spirit and its gifts (ie truth, discernment, love, power and a sound mind). • Praise, acknowledging that God is the Lord of All Creation and nothing is impossible for Him. Heb 6:11: we can’t please God w/o faith, faith based on our belief of who God is. Know who He is and know who you are in Him. TODAY: Tell the Lord what is making your afraid to trust Him. (Fear is basically distrust). Ask forgiveness for doubting Him. And then counter every lie of the enemy with truth – both Scripture and the Living (Spoken) Word of God, those are the things that God has told you in person or through a prophet or fellow Christian. Make a conscious decision to believe God and rebuke Satan. Please read Hebrews 11 of examples of great faith. May the peace of the Lord be with you. Amen. © 2013, Adelle Y. Potgieter for Church of Blessings.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 18:33:32 +0000

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