Fake beheading by US CIA, lol #war #crime #world #politic - TopicsExpress


Fake beheading by US CIA, lol #war #crime #world #politic #weapon #conflict #death #peace (TheAntiMedia) This is a controversial subject for anyone who’s willing to discuss the topic. The two most prevalent theories are both horrifying. Either an insurgent group in the Middle East is capturing and beheading civilians, or an allied intelligence agency staged the beheadings in order to gain support for a war. Frequent readers that are aware of my personal belief that the US is attempting to manufacture consent for a full-scale Syrian war will probably be surprised by my conclusion. Understand that it is not even debatable whether the US is waging a full-scale propaganda war to obtain the support necessary to oust Assad. I believe this with the same intensity that I believe the sky is blue. It isn’t theory; it’s fact. However, that does not mean that every piece of propaganda used was independently created by western intelligence. Join and Share my Page for more infos https://facebook/pages/World-War/1530590737180676 Editing the brutality: To the Western mind, a beheading is an insanely brutal act meant to intimidate, and you can only intimidate by showing the gory details. The issue here is that in the Middle East, it isn’t anything special to behead someone. It is the most common method of execution alongside stoning. The brutality was edited most likely because the insurgents learned from Israel’s recent experience with civilian casualties in Gaza. Remember their goal is to intimidate, not infuriate. They want to keep the United States out of the fight, not provoke it to enter the war. Clouds and wind: The clouds seem to be in different spots at the same time. The answer is simple, multiple cameras and multiple takes outside, or a green screen. The lack of wind is either an extremely calm outdoor area, or it was filmed on a green screen. The calm of the captives: Mock executions are common for hostages. Day in and day out the prisoner is told that today is the day he will die. Eventually it causes them not to care if they live or die; they just want the wondering to end. More importantly, it makes the prisoner more docile and more willing to comply with script reading because they have read it over and over again and they are still alive. It is possible that the hostages believed this to be another mock execution until the blade cut their throat. No blood: In at least one video, the knife doesn’t cut the hostage’s neck when it drags across his throat, and then the video cuts away. If you were staging a beheading and the knife you chose, or more likely the person you chose couldn’t cut the throat of the victim, you would edit it too. Two Knives: Backing up the theory above, one knife is used in the propaganda portion of the video and a different knife is seen next to the decapitated bodies. It is likely that the propaganda portion occurred at different times, possibly by different people. Skin tones: The heads have different skin coloration than the bodies. This has led to the belief that maybe they are mannequins. Imagine you were moving a prisoner around the United States. Would he be more noticeable if he was dressed as an Arab? Of course, he would draw more attention. Conversely, if you wanted to move a prisoner around the Middle East, you would dress him in Arab garb to make him blend in. Traditional Arab clothing covers men everywhere except for their faces. It is completely logical for the faces to have more coloration than the bodies. Source theantimedia.org/fake-beheading-videos-may-think/
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 05:15:47 +0000

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